The Gala

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You stepped out of the car and took a step foward still holding Hawks hand. As soon as you both stepped out and got situated Hawks knocked on the window and the driver drove the limo away.

"Let's go" Hawks said as he started walking with your hand in his. You walked with him until you both reached the large double doors with lights shining out of the windows. You took a deep breath as Hawks knocked at the door. After a long couple of seconds the doors opened and you saw a Mirko standing in front of you.

"Whats up bird bitch" she said smirking as she looked at Hawks who was smiling. "I told you not to call me that Rumi" he whined as she led him inside while the loud music blasted.

Still holding your hand, Mirko started walking while Hawks and you followed. As you walked past other heroes who were all dressed up formally you could hear them whispering about you. No matter where you were being dragged all eyes remained on you.

Choosing to ignore it you continued to follow Hawks. "I told you we were friends" Hawks whispered to you while you while following Mirko. You both stopped finally when you reached what appeared to be a lounge with a bar and lounge chairs everywhere that had heroes seated as they spoke amongst themselves.

When you finally stopped looking around you had somehow ended up directly in front of Rumi. She smiled brightly "Hey there little carrot nice to meet you" she beamed while holding out her hand.

"Hello Mirko it's a pleasure to meet you" you responded reaching your hand out to shake hers as you gave a slight smile. "Oh please we are all friends here call me Rumi" she smiled shaking your hand back.

You finished shaking her hand and said "Rumi you have a beautiful home" as you continued to look around. "Thanks" she said as she scratched the back of her head.

"Well actually I helped pick out this house" Hawks interjected. "You only said okay to the house after I decided on it" Rumi rebutted quickly. "But it was I who got you the realtor who offered this house to you so Y/n should really be complementing me" Hawks declared as he let your hand go and turned to her.

At this point they were both full on arguing which kind of made you laugh. But you also couldn't help but look at Rumi standing in front of you. You were obviously aware she was attractive just from the news, and online but up close and personal she seemed so nice, and funny.

Not to mention how perfect her figure was and the very clear connection you could see between her and Hawks. Your smile almost turned to a frown as they stood infront of you but you were stopped by a voice from behind "It's best to just let them argue when they get like this".

"And who are you" you questioned turning around before you faced the pro hero Kamui Woods.

"Kamui Woods, nice to meet you Y/n I've heard a lot about you". He said holding his hand out while he had a drink in the other. "Oh my gosh" you said as your eyes widened. "It's nice to meet you too" you bowed akwardly as you looked back at him hoping he could forget your rudeness from a couple seconds ago.

"Please call me Shinji, and can I offer you a drink" he asked still gazing at you. "Well actually I-" you tried to say before you were interuppted by Hawks putting his arm around your shoulder.

"Sorry tree man but baby bird here is underage and can't drink" he commented. "My apologies Y/n your age had completely slipped my mind" Kamui apologied sincerely. "It's alright honestly" you said smiling at him while you ducked out of Hawks arms.

"Wow Shinji I'm gone for 5 minutes and your already trying to offer my 18 year old underage intern a drink shame on you" Hawks said in a mocking tone. "Shut it KFC special you're the one who left her here alone".

My Angel [Hawks X Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ