Chapter 2

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I hide in a corner of the room and sit down on a free chair. Actually, I am very happy now that I am on time, otherwise the situation would have escalated like in all these movies. I'm not keen on standing in front of the class, telling them who I am while all glances are focusing on me. I am not a person who likes to take centre stage - I am able to live without that.

A few students enter the classroom, not giving me any attention at first, but suddenly they come towards me. "Are you new here?" "Yep." I am too shy to get into conversations, so I try to stay direct. "I moved to Great Britain recently." One of the two guys grins, while the other one says: "We prefer England, but you couldn't know that." I shrug my shoulders needlessly for half an eternity until my classmates finally branch off. I look around boredly. Suddenly, the door opens and another guy stumbles in. Yes, he stumbles. Literally. A moment later, a pair of metal-rimmed glasses is laying on the ground and the classroom is filled with laughter. "This happens to him often", giggles one of the two guys who just talked to me. I nod diffidently, while playing with my pen. Someone settles himself next to me. I actually don't want to know who it is, so I stare at the blackboard. An older woman puts her bag on the desk. "Ah, we have an addition to our class", she says, "What's your name?" At a blow, everyone is glancing at me. "Ehem...", actually I don't want to say anything, but I manage to press out a "Liva". "Nice. I am Mrs. Brooks. I teach you in maths. Maybe some of you can show Liva the class." My new teacher looks around. "Edward?" "If I have to." Wow, he sounds sympathic. I search for the guy who has just spoken and stare into the face of a small boy. I can't believe he is already 17, rather 14. Well, I don't care. Mrs. Brooks starts the lesson. As soon as she starts talking about figures I nearly fall asleep. I hate maths and I'm not good at it. It has always been like that and won't change anyways. There's nothing to add.

When I've just mastered half of the lesson, a voice disturbs my thoughts. "So, your name is Liva." "Yes." I turn to the person sitting next to me and regret it in the same second. I stare into a pair of emerald eyes, framed by metal-framed glasses. Shit. This is the nerd with the tattoo. I open my mouth very confusedly and am willing to tell him that my whole body is still hurting, but I am too shy. "What's your name?", I stutter. "Harold." Somehow this becomes more and more strange. First these Harry-eyes, now this Harry-name. Maybe he is...? No, I must be crazy. I should definitely pay less attention to One Direction, I am already having hallucinations. "Where exactly are you from?" He doesn't seem to notice how stupidly I look at him, "Ehem..." Get a grip on yourself, Liva! My inner voice is right. "Munich", I therefore answer. "From Germany? It is pretty near to Austria, isn't it?" He grins. "Yes", I say, "Neighbouring countries." "I've wished to go there since ever." Like Harry Styles...I think. Shit, it happened again. "Oh, really? Yeah, it's really beautiful there." Harold nods, then we both look forward. "Please tell me the square root of 17, Liva." Mrs. Brooks peeks challengingly over the frame of her glasses. "Ehem..." I told you I am bad at maths. "Haven't you learned that yet?" "Yes, but..." I am blushing crimson. "I don't get it." "Well, that's good to know." Mrs. Brooks turns back to the board. Good to know? How does she mean that? I try to focus on playing with my pen again and avoid looking at Harold. After the two hours of maths which lasted half an eternity, the bell finally rings for the break. I go over to Edward, so he can show me the building. Leastwise I now know my way around. If I furthermore can master surviving the rest of the day, at least this wouldn't be a horrible start in Great Britain, only a bad one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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