chapter ten.

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a/n: helloo everyone!! i'm really sorry for any long wait, i've been thinkin very hard about a few transitions i need to make in these upcoming acts dghvfdhkv,,,,, but y'all got me workin hard with all of the nice comments you send, all of them mean so much to me :)) knowing my book is enjoyable enough for people to re-read multiple times still baffling to me dude, i seriously thank you all so so much. enjoy the chapter!!


words: 3333

(y/n)'s pov~

"thank you, bubby," i tell him as he hands me the barnacle gun he had made.

he gives me a wide smile and a nod before using his own to grapple onto the ceiling instead of using the ladder. i put the harvested barnacle on my hand with a grimace and point it at the ceiling, gripping onto who knows what inside of the thing which causes its tongue to fly out and latch onto the ceiling, quickly dragging me upwards.

"woooohh!" i hear gordon say out loud below me, giving me a wave with his free hand when he catches my gaze, "oh man, this is awesome!"

i swiftly land on the platform at the top, gordon following quickly behind. we share a quick smile, walking over to the rest of the group.

"impressive, (y/n)!" bubby compliments me as the two of us walk over.

"thanks," i say with a smile, feeling very accomplished from doing a small task.

"fine work, dr. freeman!" coomer says to gordon, walking up to him.

"yeah! these are incredible. i don't know.." gordon says slightly out of breath, studying the dead barnacle, "how long are these things gonna stay alive off of a wall, though?"

"they're made out of meat!"

"excuse me, but-" bubby says, grabbing dr. coomer and i's coat sleeves, bringing us closer to what's caught his attention, "does anyone know how i died?"

"you have clones too," gordon comments over my shoulder, looking at the corpse like the rest of us, "why do you- the test tubes,"

"ah, yes! more of my brothers! they've been growing them down here," bubby remembers.

"so you do have brothers. we were talking about that before," gordon tells him.

"were we?"

"that might be a problem,"

"i've got the memory of a goldfish," bubby says, attempting to drop the subject.

"where in black mesa are the test tube labs? where are they growing you?" gordon questions.

bubby only shrugs his shoulders and makes an 'uhh ehheh?' sound back, "gordon, my neural implants don't allow me to tell you!" he says, completely dropping the subject and entering the next room ahead of us.

"they're in biological research, gordon! i have to whisper or else he'll explode!" coomer loudly whispers, making both gordon and i start to laugh.

we follow bubby into the next room that has a large puddle of water, accompanied by open circuits and wires that electrified the water.

"alright, i know we haven't been at a soda machine for a while but we're not going to drink this water okay?" i tell the other scientists, staring at benrey as he walks over the water and knocks out cold when he reaches the other side.

"(y/n), i'm thirsty," coomer complains, eyeing the puddle on the floor.

"coomer- no," i tell him, putting my hands on both his shoulders so i have his full attention, "you could die if you drink that water. just- we're gonna wait for the soda, okay buddy?"

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