Gold and Silver

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Red Son teleported in the middle of the city, but just near the exit of it. He heard booming and turned around to hear the sound again. It sounded like battle. But he didn't want to find out what Wukong was becoming. He started to run, trying to get out of the city. He was far too terrified and horrid at the sight of his mother being strangled and his father being beaten to a pulp to even think of using his powers to escape faster. His father would survive, but he hoped to the Heavens above that his mother would live.

He kept running and running until an even louder boom came from behind him and he stopped, as if the boom made him realize something. "The general saved me...I NEED TO GET HIM!" He said as he took a step towards the fight but then stopped himself. Ironclad was a robot, he could be rebuilt.

But for some reason, that didn't feel that way. Ironclad would most definitely die at the hands of Wukong, and the robotic bull seemed to know that. He risked his own existence just to save his own. That wasn't programmed. That wasn't a controlled or forced action.

That was what Ironclad wanted. To keep him safe.

Red Son then started running towards the battle again, but then there was the screech of tires and he turned around. He saw headlights from the shadows before two glowing red eyes emerged. He summoned a fireball and his spear. "Who are you?!"

One of the figures laughed. "Relax, mate. We ain't enemies or The Monkie Kid." He then snorted. "Kinda can't be after you killed him."

The two figures suddenly walked out. They were demons, twins in fact. But one was orange and with golden hair. The other was the same, but blue and with silver hair. The Horned Demons.

"You two? What are you doing here?" Red Son asked with a small snarl.

Yin, the Silver Horned Demon, cackled. "Says the guy running away from a certain doom and stopping? That's not running away from danger, mate."

"You got it reversed." Gin, the Gold Horned Demon, said as he spun his finger around near his head, implying Red Son was crazy or dumb.

Red Son growled before turning his back on them. "If you came here to annoy me, you succeeded in doing that. I have someone to save."

"Whoa, whoa! YOU are gonna try and survive Sun Wukong alone in trying to save General Ironclad or your parents?"

Red Son froze and turned around to them. "H...How do you know that?"

Gin laughed. "We saw the whole bloody thing, and damn, it was brutal. I kinda wished me and my little bro thought of that."

"But then again, we'd be in your situation, being the whole reason the world is gonna be destroyed." Yin said with a shrug.

Red Son shook his head, confused. "Destroyed? Why would Wukong want that?! He only wants me dead!"

"Oh, for sure, he wants to kill you." Yin said as he grabbed a tablet from his and his brother's vehicle and showed it to Red Son. Red Son narrowed his eyes before seeing something glowing and red emerging from Wukong's body on screen. He was standing near MK's friends, who were all defeated, unconscious, and on the ground. "But that? That wants to destroy."

"What is that red glow...?" Red Son asked. "And why would he attack his son's team? I know they're unbearable, but that isn't like my uncle."

Gin nodded as he walked closer. "We're not sure what the red glow is, but it's a spirit of some kind. It emerged shortly after you killed Monkie Kid. But we can tell that ol' Monkey King is kinda..."

"Fucked up after what you did. The spirit glowy thingy isn't helping, so he attacked his son's friends when they tried to stop him from murdering the Bull Clones."

Red Son then gasped at the mention of his army and then started flipping through the recordings. "What about the general?!"

"Kid, calm down! And hands off the screen!" Gin said as he shoved Red Son and then flipped through the screen before coming across a recording of what he did to General Ironclad. "See? He survived. Probably not for much longer though..."

"I have to get him and then get out of here before Wukong destroys this place!" He cried as he emerged in flames, but Yin stopped him. "Red Boy, you're gonna die!"

"I don't care!" Red Son cried before Yin pulled him back and shoved him into the vehicle. "Sorry, kid. But that's not part of the plan. We're helping you whether you like it or not."

"What?! Why?!"

"We can't rule a world if it's destroyed." Gin said before he hopped onto his vehicle and activated the jetpack attachment and flew into the air. "I got the robot general. Yin, you take him back to base."

Yin nodded and started driving, with Red Son basically chained against the chair of their vehicle.

Gin smirked before grabbing a golden naginata, which had the power of his and his brother's 5 mystic weapons, specifically the Palm Leaf Fan. He then flew off.

Neibu Emo (Monkie Kid AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя