chapter fifty five

Start from the beginning

   "They tortured you?" Weasley asked.

   "Multiple times a day in some cases. Draco can vouch," I said, Draco nodded.

   "So you just gave in?" Potter asked accusingly. What was his problem?

   "Let's test it out on you a few times, see if you think it's worth it," I growled.

   They all stared at me with wide eyes.

   "Listen. I didn't mean what I said back at the Manor, any of it. I had to sell it to Bellatrix so I could get you all out of there. I'm really sorry."

   "Thank you for your help," Granger said.

   "We could have gotten out on our own. We didn't need your help," Potter snapped.

   "I can bring you back there, I'm sure I would earn some real credit being the one to hand you over. Potter, you might think you're all that, but you could not have escaped on your own, I can assure you that. I don't need your thanks, but stop being a prick in my house."

   "This is your house?" Ron asked.


   "Where's your family?"

   "Who knows? Anyway, this isn't the time for gossip. What were you three doing that you got caught? What are you doing breaking into and out of Gringotts? Are all of you suicidal?"

   "We're hunting Horcruxes," Granger said flatly.

   "You are?" I said, perking up slightly. "How many do you have left?"


   "How the hell do you know what they are?" Potter asked.

   "You think I would be recruited by the Dark Lord and not do my research? Six years and you've learned nothing about me," I scoffed.

   "Do you know how to find any more?" Ron asked.

   "Depends. What were the ones you've destroyed so far?"

   "Marvolo Gaunt's ring , Salazar Slytherin's locket, Tom Riddle's diary and Helga Hufflepuff's cup."

   Draco and I exchanged a puzzled look. I thought for a moment about what else the Dark Lord could possibly make a Horcrux. I had a few ideas, but I had no idea if they were good enough. I also knew something else, but I didn't think it was my place to tell Potter he was a Horcrux.

   "Something Ravenclaw related, maybe? I mean you have heirlooms from other houses."

   "That's what we were thinking."

   I thought again, hard, about what the Dark Lord keeps with him at all times. What he's talked about so dearly protecting. I tried to recall every time I've ever heard him speak. Then, it finally hit me. Nagini.

   "The snake."

   "What?" Draco asked.

   "Nagini, the Dark Lord's snake. There's a protective spell on her. He never goes anywhere without this snake by his side. Surely, you've seen her, in your dreams, Potter." I said quickly.

   "You think the snake is one of them?"

   "It's a safe bet. Granger, could I speak with you for a moment."

   She got up questioningly and followed me into the wine cellar. I locked the door behind us and cast a silencing charm in the room so the others could not eavesdrop. She looked almost scared to be locked in here with me. I turned the lights on and pulled her deeper into the room.

   "Does Harry know?" I asked.

   She looked at me sadly, understanding exactly what I meant.

   "That he's the seventh one? I don't think so."

   "You've got to tell him. He has to die to kill the Dark Lord."

   "I know."

"Where are you lot heading off to next then?


"No way."

"You said it yourself, there's something to do with Ravenclaw there, we have to go."

"Granger, I'm serious, you can't step foot in there. Especially you."

"Because I'm muggle-born?" She asked with a frown.

"Yes, and you're a fugitive. The Carrows and Snape will have your head before you can even start your search. It is awful there."

"You've seen it?"

"Draco and I still go to school, we aren't all dropouts like you lot. The only reason we still go is because they can't touch us. They practice the Cruciatus Curse in Defence Against the Dark Arts class."

"We have to go."

"I'm telling you now, if you want to live long enough to see this reckless idea through, you will not go there."

"You can sneak us in?"

"Excuse me?"

"I've got a plan."

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