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Age: 26 

Younger son of Sarika Arora and her husband

Younger brother of Vasav Arora

Husband of personable Bhanavi Oberoi Arora

 Occupation: Successful self made artist. Helps in family business at times.

 Character: Kiaan is a kind, gentle, caring and a creative person with a mysterious aura. He seems strict and closed off but is a softie. He is highly sarcastic when he wants to be. He loves his elder brother a lot and idolizes him. After the loss of his father, he starts considering Vasav as his father. His wife means the world to him and he can cross any limits for her. He loves his sister a lot and considers her his baby girl. One of his favourite hobby is to irritate and fight with his little sister. He doesn't place his trust easily and takes time to get close to people. Once he connects with someone, he never leaves their side. He cannot be easily angered but once angry, he can rain down hell.

 He cannot be easily angered but once angry, he can rain down hell

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 Age: 23

Youngest daughter in law of Sarika Arora and wife of Kiaan Arora. 

 Occupation: A growing international lawyer making her way up the ranks and also a literature enthusiast, writes anonymously about life and her thoughts in her blog which is well known but no one knows about it including her family. Sometimes works as a consultant intelligence analyst with the Indian government. Also helps in the Oberoi business Empire and is fifty percent shareholder with her dear elder brother.

 Character: Is spirited but sensible, sweet, shy, sensitive but intelligent but also bubbly with people she is comfortable with. Has been a student of international law, and diplomacy and international relations. She could not easily make real friends because of her family name and wealth, since her childhood her brother is her only real friend and she loves him a lot, then in college Shachi Kashyap, her senior became closer than a sister to her. She loves her husband, Kiaan Arora, a lot, it was he who gave her confidence and encouragement to come out of her fears after her brother and Sahchi. Loves annoying her elder brother in law Vasav Arora but loves all her family more than anything else in the world and can do anything for them.

 Loves annoying her elder brother in law Vasav Arora but loves all her family more than anything else in the world and can do anything for them

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