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"Dear My Beloved Zeke,

I hope this letter finds you safe and sound. I know it is been almost a month since we were not able to see each other, but it already feels like an eternity. I miss the sound of your voice and being able to look at you. I can remember the day we met like it was yesterday.

To be honest, I have so many mixed feelings these past few days that I can hardly wonder where to start. The moments being with you, moments that will remain in my heart forever, although I know that those moments were seemingly unpleasant to you. I am very well aware of my mischiefs that I have done just to get your attention.

Knowingly, I will not deny that it hurts, because a part of me is still where you are. But I am also aware that things have changed enormously and I learned that love will never be done by force or orders, rather, by natural flow and let it find you. And if it is not meant to be, it would never mean to be.

What I am meaning to say to you is: I will no longer force myself on you. These past few weeks I have realized all the wrongful things that I did whom you don't truly deserve.

It is true that the moments being with you are days that would not change for anything in the world, although today I feel like crying and I keep wondering, if am I doing the right thing?

Your affection is all that I wanted, but I forgot to ask if you are really happy being with me. Without consulting to your own feelings, I followed you everywhere, clung to you like a leech. This greed of mine increasingly day by day caused nothing but unfortunate memories for you. I can't even think on how did I get to this point? I guess these are answers that I will take a little while to discover, or maybe I will never know.

Now the end of one of the most beautiful and painful stages of my life has come, but I don't regret loving you, but I learned that I should have let go of this feeling. I promised that I will never ever bother you again, and I truly wholeheartedly seeking your forgiveness for all the unpleasant things that I have instigated.

To prove it to you, by the next school year, I will show that I have changed for the better. I will focus to my study and embrace my responsibility and obligations as a noble and to be a proud daughter of Marquess Croix.

To end this letter, I would like you to know that I will always pray for your well-being and success in the future. I wish you the best of luck.

Yours Truly,

Beatrice Delavine Croix"

With mental rejection and contestability, Zeke asked again to Alec, who is standing right beside him. "Is this letter really coming from the lady?

"Yes, Mr. President. The seal of the Marquess Croix Family engraved on the envelop.", politely answered, mixed with disconcerted, by Alec.

It is been a week since Lady Beatrice sent a letter again to him. Truth be told, he never opens or read the letters she delivered every day, because he only finds it annoyingly and ruined his day, but the letter today is different. The words written on the envelop, "My last letter for you.", deeply caught Zeke's curiosity that he ended reading it.

He can't believe that the lady, who never failed to spy him everywhere just to be able to follow him wherever he goes, the parties, the hunting games, and even, his little errands which in actuality, the days he sneaked out from their estate that anyone would impossible to know, declared through letter that she is now letting go of him. In addition, she is seeking his forgiveness for all her mischiefs.

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