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"Yes, I am, My Lady."

"Caville, tell the horseman to send us not to near at the market."

"My Lady?"

"And I wanted you to guard us without seeing you behind. Follow us as if you were our shadow. A knight following us will catch too much attention. I want to enjoy my stroll without attracting people."

After saying that, Lady Beatrice did not wait for the knight's response, and she mounted in to the carriage followed by Marielle.

Confused with the unexpected scenario, Caville closed the door of the carriage. "Is that the lady? Were the rumors really true that she changed? And are those words given by an eleven-year old girl?", he thought with disconcerted.

The carriage started to move. After surely passing the gate, Beatrice opened the curtain of the window to look outside. She was amazed by the greenery field that came into her view, and the fresh wind smoothly touched her cheeks like kisses. It was a good day to leisurely tour outside. The sun brightly peeped from the cumulous clouds. The sound of birds chirping from the trees is likely a sweet humming in her ears while looking at the wide beautiful scenery.

Upon reaching the village, the buildings and streets are the same with her previous life, but obviously, incomparably with the business center in cities where there are skyways, trains, and high buildings with huge glasses for windows and walls. The convenience of technology such as escalator and elevator, computers, and mobile phones is inexistence. Of course, instead of cars, there are carriages and horses. The only difference was the clothing and the equipment that you'll see. It was far behind from the innovative world she used to live. It was a simple living like in their provinces, she thought.

The carriage stopped, and Caville alighted from his own horse. He opened the door of the carriage, and offered his hand to her. She placed her hand and gently went out to the carriage. Then, it was Marielle turned.

"Thank you, Caville." Beatrice purposely smiled to the knight.

Caville did not response, and only bowed his head.

She turned then to Marielle. "Marielle."

"Yes, My lady."

"Let's enjoy this little tour. Please guide me well."

"Yes, My Lady!", Marielle answered blushing. She was happy to be relied by her lady.

It was an honor for Marielle while Caville was aghast inwardly by the scene in front of him. It was not easy to digest the changes manifested by the lady.

Before walking away, Beatrice called her knight. "Caville."

"Yes, My Lady.", he stopped musings.

"I know it was a bit harsh when I said that to follow us like a shadow, but please understand that I just want to fully enjoy this trip without catching unnecessary eyes.", she kindly explained.

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