✨ bonfire

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     The fire danced on the logs, illuminating the night with an orange glow. The wind pressure increased and decreased throughout the night, sending chills our way. I wrapped my arms around my sweater-covered torso, hugging myself for warmth. My blonde strands flew lightly under my toboggan, swaying to the rhythm of the wind. 


     Luke and Weston were to the right of me, roasting their marshmallows and conversing about football. Meanwhile, Arielle was shoving her mittens on her trembling hands. Smiling to myself, I enjoyed the sounds surrounding my backyard, which was next to the lake. I listened closely to the fire cackling, the wind blown trees, and the small chirps of birds off to the distance. Nothing was better than our bonfires. 


     "Why the hell is it so cold out here?" Arielle groaned, probably wishing she had worn a jacket tonight. Luke and Weston stopped their conversation, laughing at her for a moment. I emitted a small girly giggle at her sudden goosebumps forming.


     "Maybe you should have worn a jacket, Ari," Luke teased, popping the collar of his jacket for emphasis. She pouted in defeat, wrapping her arms around herself. "Here," he said, removing his jacket and tossing it to her, "use mine." 


     "You cold, Em?" Weston asked me, shuffling closer and wrapping his arms around my waist. I shook my head but smiled at his cuteness. "Wanna a s'more?" I eagerly nodded as he laughed at my enthusiasm. Grabbing his melting marshmallow, he clasped onto the other materials, making a hot and ready s'more. 


     "Careful, it's hot," he said before breaking it in half. He instructed me to open my mouth, which I complied to, then slowly entered the delicious treat into my mouth. Biting down, I clutched onto the rest of the s'more. 


     "Thanks," I whispered, pecking his cheek. When I gazed back to Luke and Ari, I found Luke was watching me with such intensity. The reflection of the fire danced on his eyes, increasing the intensity by fifty percent. Arielle was going on and on about something that happened to her as Lukejust half-heartedly nodded at her, feigning enthusiasm. 


     "Everybody roast a marshmallow," Weston shouted, grabbing two for him and I, then chucking the bag to Luke. He handed me a stick as I gracefully accepted it and shoved the tiny, white fluff onto it. Once everyone was situated, we all began roasting.


     "Here's to the bonfire tradition!" Arielle shouted, fisting the air with her empty hand. We all followed in her footsteps, laughing as we did so. "Guys, promise me something?" Slowly the laughter died down as we watched her serious expression.


     "What is it?" Luke asked her.


     "Promise we'll be friends forever—no matter what kinda shit we get into."


     "Definitely," Weston, Luke, and I chorused together, happiness evident in our voices. We were a group like no other. Just as Arielle was about to say something else, her stick went it a little too low and the fire engulfed it in seconds. Shrieking, she dropped the wooden branch into the fire in panic. Within seconds after, the marshmallow nor the stick was found in fire. We all began laughing, removing our marshmallows from the fire, too.


     "The bonfires are where the memories are made." They all chorused in agreement to my statement, still amused by the marshmallow situation.

author's note :: i dont even remember when i wrote this but i did like it so yAY.

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