✨ snowed in

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STANDING DIRECTLY IN front of the mirror, I glanced at myself. I was dressed up in dress, which was a crème color with sequences from the top to mid-waist and light blue down on. My long, black hair was curled and nicely perched on my shoulders. Twirling myself in the mirror, I smiled at my reflection.

"Maxine," Louis' voice called on the opposite side of the door, "I wanna see my beautiful girlfriend." Heartily laughing, I sauntered over to the door and unlocked it, allowing him to enter. Once he entered the room, I glanced at his well-groomed self. Louis was sharply dressed in a black suit and tie and his brown hair was raked to the side. He wore a wider-ranging smile that took my breath away.

"You look ravishing, Lou," checking him out, I complimented.

Chuckling at my words, he replied, "You look absolutely wonderful, baby." I curtsied for him, earning another laugh from him. As I flattened out my dress again, he dismissed himself to start grab his keys. Looking at myself once more, I felt confident and beautiful—a feeling I wasn't particularly familiar with.

Waiting for Louis' arrival, I clasped onto the remote and switched the television on. It switched on, revealing a news channel as the weatherman, Corey Denson, was giving a full report.

"Today, there has been mass snowfall in the Doncaster area causing the roads to be covered in six inches of snow. As you can see, the roads will be closed until further notice. As for . . ." I tuned out, realizing that until the roads were open again, we were snowed in. Once Louis finds out, he'll be devastated considering that he tried so hard to get the reservations to this place. Suddenly, the sound of the hollow hallways were filled with his steady steps leading to our room.

"Baby, you ready to go?" His cheery, excited voice asked me as he leaned on the doorframe. I smiled sadly, taking small strides until I was directly in front of him.

"About that," I started, already faltering his ecstatic expression, "the roads have been closed, Lou. The roads are covered in massive amounts of snow," I explained, still watching him. His eyebrows furrowed, a passive expression taking over. His silence startled me. "Lou, you alright?"

"Fuck," he sighed, "I just tried to hard for this . . . I just . . . Now what are we going to do?" Frustration took over him as he raked a hand through his quiff. Reaching and intertwining our hands together, I kissed his knuckles to reassure him.

After a moment of silence, I spoke up, "We can just stay in and joke around, just like old times." He gave me a hopeful smile, pulling me closer to him. His scent infiltrated my nostrils, giving me a brief moment of Heaven. I smiled at him, as he leaned down and placed a small peck on my cheek before whispering in my ear.

"Go change and it'll be like old time, alright?" I nodded, removing myself from his grasp. Playfully shoving Lou out the door, I shut the door. Strolling to my closet, I stripped down to my under garments. I neatly set the dress in a hanger, hanging it back in the closet. Exiting the closet, I opened my dresser, tugging out a pair of blue, winter sleeping bottoms and a turquoise tank top. Slipping the items on, I reached for Louis' hoodie on the duvets and slipped it on, as well.

Putting my curly hair into a ponytail, I departed from the room and sauntered to the kitchen, where I found Louis deep in the pantry. His hands were carrying pounds of junk food. I stealthily tip-toed over to his hunched over frame, placing my hands on his back, shouting, "BOO!" Reflexively backing up to a safe zone, I noticed Louis flinched, dropping everything that was in his hands.

"Maxine," he playfully growled, immobilized in his frightened position.

Chuckling, I croaked out, "Louis,"

"Oh, so this is funny to you?" From my peripheral view, I noticed a half-smile emerging from his lips. Although, before I could respond, he charged towards me, clasping his fingers around my waist. He lifted me over his shoulder, spinning me around and dropping me on the loveseat in the living room. Louis legs were astride over my pinned body, a devious smirk playing its way onto my boyfriend's face. "What shall I do with you?" He reached over to the coffee table, clutching onto something that wasn't visible to my eyes. Within a nanosecond, I felt a cool substance being sprayed on my face. I squealed, as he pointed the nozzle of the Reddi Whip towards my eyebrows.

"It's cooold," I squeaked, squirming under his body.

"Tell me I'm the king," he remarked, "and I'll stop."

Groaning, I said aloud, "You're the king." Fortunately, he complied to his promises and removed himself from me. "Yeah, the king of idiots," I whispered under my breath, sneering at the back of his head.

"What was that?" Shaking my head, I hopped off the sofa, brushing myself off and heading to the kitchen. Louis followed along, then began cleaning the mess that was made earlier. I took the cloth on the kitchen island and began dabbing the rag onto my face, removing the Reddi Whip from my features.

"You go get the things we need, and I'll deal with snacks," Louis said, standing up and setting down all the supplies that were once on the tile floor. I nodded, heading towards our bedrooms for pillows and blankets. I clutched onto three long pillows, piling on a large blanket, and my teddy bear. Stumbling out of the room, I made it to the living room with nothing falling from my wobbly hands. I threw the items down, putting the pillows and the blanket on the sofa.

Scavenging through the stack of movies, I settled on watching Beastly. Pulling the movie from the rack, I placed it in the DVD player and set the case on the coffee table. Soon, Louis joined me, arranging a big bowl of popcorn on the desk along with two mugs of hot chocolate (with marshmallows, yay!) and a container of Twizzlers.

Louis plopped down onto the sofa with the remote, patting his lap for me to have a seat. Smiling softly, I sat down on his lap, his arms immediately wrapping around my torso. He started the movie and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you, Maxine," he whispered.

Smiling uncontrollably, I whispered it back, "I love you, too, Louis."

[ author's note ] :: well this was the old Christmas one shot that i wrote for Maxy, who is no longer on Wattpad )))-: but hope you guys enjoyed it! i feel like starting back up one shots bc they're so much fun. love you guys xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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