"Didn't Hizashi tell you, I'm Hitomi Hyuga, his wife."
'Then that means......'  He thought with his eyes filled with tears.
"Well then, I'll tell you. I'm........"

She couldn't finish her sentence because Neji hugged her, cutting her short.

"M-mom!! I can't believe it, it really is you!! You have no idea how much I missed you, Kaa-Chan*!!!!!!"  He cried out.

At this, his left eye changed back to normal and he cried as she rubbed his back soothingly. Even Tenji was happy, he finally knew his grandmother.

Meanwhile, at his outward appearance, half of the body was flaming red with a tail swinging while his other half was normal.

"The transformation has stopped......."

Matatabi was shocked and annoyed that Neji stopped changing.

Back at the flower field, Tenji was having the time of his life with his father and grandmother.

"You're so beautiful, mom." Neji complimented.
"Indeed, you are beautiful, Baa-Chan.*" Tenji agreed.
"Oh stop, you're making me blush!!" Truth be told, she was so red that a tomato would be jealous.
"Mom, how did I become a Jinchuriki?" Neji asked.

Then her face fell.

"It's a long story but I'll tell you all the same."
"I'm listening."

Even Tenji wanted to know too.

[A/N: The following story is not real. I don't want to get into trouble with Masashi Kishimoto.]

"When Hizashi and I got married, there was a prophecy that a Hyuga child would have great power and knowledge. The said child would be a prodigy but the child would have very pale skin and will be a container of a deadly weapon. Many Hyugas had mixed emotions. Some wanted their children to be the prodigy but others were afraid of the deadly weapon. In the end, I was pregnant and I entered premature labor because my food was poisoned and my system was weak, I was low on chakra. I lost hope.
Then a woman with blond hair tied at the bottom came to me. Her name was Yugito. She said that she'll help me deliver if you would take care of her pet, so I agreed. She gave me a massive amount of chakra and you were born. Then she slumped and died. Out of what, I don't know. Then Hizashi told me that she was the Jinchuriki of the Two Tailed Cat, Matatabi.
Everything then settled in. You were the destined child but you were also the container of a deadly weapon. I was dying. I kissed you on your forehead and wished you the best in life. Then you opened your eyes and gave me the cutest smile ever. I was fortunate to see you smile at me and it was the last I saw."

Looking at him crying, she said,: "I had a feeling she transferred her sense of hairstyle to you when I saw you."

They were all crying. Hitomi, Neji and Tenji. Tenji never knew that Neji went through so much. He thought that Neji was arrogant because he was a spoilt brat during his toddler days.

"Mom.......I......I don't know what to say."
"It's okay Neji-kun, you don't have to say anything. For now let's stop Matatabi from him and show him what the Hyugas are made of!"

[A/N: My brain is already fried. I can't start thinking of them using any jutsu to stop Matatabi.]

Neji then tamed Matatabi and Hitomi had to go.

"Neji-kun, I have to go now to join Hizashi."
"Do you really have to go?! Stay a little longer!!!"
"I wish I could but my time is limited. I'll tell Hizashi that you're alright."
"Send my regards to him and tell him I miss him."

She then hugged him.

"Take care of yourself, Neji-kun. Eat healthy, stay strong and fight for what you feel. Always respect women and marry someone like me."

He blushed at the last part but hugged her nevertheless.

She then looked at Tenji while hugging Neji and he was shocked.

'Can she see me?! But I'm a phantom!!!'
"Take care of your father." She mouthed.
'So she can see me.'
"Hai, Baa-Chan." Tenji said.

She smiled and disappeared into the afterlife.

Tenji left his mind and Neji woke up in full Bijuu Mode. While Naruto was orange with black markings, Neji was blue and had white markings.

Feeling energized, he smirked while telling Naruto and Killer B,: "Let's go back to Konoha!!!!"

Matatabi was grinning at his Jinchuriki.
'Thank you for making him my Jinchuriki, Yugito.'  He thought.


Itai - Ouch
Kuso - Damn
Kaa-Chan - Mother
Baa-Chan - Grandmother
Hai - Yes/OK

Hey guys, I'm back. And honestly, I don't know what to say. 😅😅😅

Vote, comment and share. 😄😄😄

Sasuke: Don't you say that in all your chapters?
Me: The frick?! Where did you come from?!
Sasuke: None of your business.
Me: Don't make me use my secret weapon.
Sasuke: Oooh, I'm so scared! What are you gonna do?!
Me: I warned you. *Does hand signs and puts a hand on the ground* SUMMONING JUTSU!!!
Sasuke: *Rolls eyes*
Naruto: TEEEEEEMMMMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs to him*
Sasuke: SHIT!!!!!!!!! *runs away*
Me: BYE!!!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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