#10 saihara chan

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I was sitting on the couch next to kiibo when I heard a knock at the door "can I get it this time?" I asked as I looked at kiibo with an excited smile "you can barely walk but if you really want too I guess I can't stop you" I 'walked' to the door with difficulties and opened the door to be met with a very tired boy with blue hair "have you seen-" He bagan but he froze when he saw me "s-saihara chan....?" I asked lightly "k-koki...." He replied in a breathy tone. We both just stared at each other like we haven't seen each other in years...eventually kiibo came over and looked at us with a confused expression "oh kiibo this is shuichi saihara....my bestfriend....shuichi this is kiibo my..... boyfriend"

"Hi...." "Um- g-greetings" .....i looked down for a moment before looking up with a big, faked, smile "sooo um what are you doing here saihara chaaaaan" "When I found your phone on the ground I feared the worst so I tried to find you as fast as I could to make sure you weren't.......dead" Shuichi said as he held up my phone....the screen was cracked lightly but not unusable like I feared it would be....out of nowhere shuichi hugged me, pulling me close "b-but I'm so happy that I finally found you! Now we can go back home and pretend that none of this ever happened!" I glanced at kiibo....he had this look that said 'I knew this would happen' on his face "but saihara chan i want to stay here with kii-" "It's fine....go be with your friends....i don't mind"....judging on the things he wrote in his diary, and how sad he looks right now, that was a lie....he has some balls to lie to a liar like me.... "Kiibo I...." I paused for a second...

I have to choose between my best friend or my beloved kiibo....this would be the thing that you see happen in fan fiction....not like I've read any fan fiction.... "im sorry saihara chan but I want to stay with kiibo"....i watched as shuichi's smile quickly faded "o-oh....than kind of makes the past.....five days......sorry I'm feeling really sleepy" Shuichi said with a yawn "When did you go to sleep last?" "Eleven.....teen.....days.....ago" After that shuichi fell forwards into my arms....he was fast asleep in seconds I giggled 'my sleepy saihara chan' "h-he isn't dead or anything right?" Kiibo asked with concern as he gently took shuichi from me "no of course not"

Once shuichi woke up after like a full day of sleeping he left....i was sad but now that I have my phone I can text him whenever I want. "Are you sad that your friend left?" "Yeah....but now I get to have more alone time with my beloved kiibabe!" I said as I tackle hugged kiibo. I giggled as I stared into kiibo's eyes "I love you~ and you love me too right?" "Of course I do kokichi"

you should've just left me there (kiibouma)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora