#2 a new place to call home

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"Th-thank you....to be honest I thought you were just going to leave me there" I said as I wiped my tears. The robot gently set me down on his couch and crouched down so he was at my eye level "you are hurt why would I do that" The robot asked as he tilted his head slightly.....i would think it was cute if I wasn't so emotionally drained "I have a reputation for- achoo!" I began but I was cut off by a sneeze.....i guess I'm getting sick after all. The robot put the back of his hand to my forehead....his hand was very cold "you appear to be getting sick.....i suppose I should take care of you" The robot said as he looked towards the floor "I'll be fine it's just a slight- a-achoo!.....slight cold" "Maybe but your leg is broken, you can't exactly take care of yourself" "...i probably can, watch" I said as I slowly got up off the couch.

My leg almost immediately gave out on me and I fell to the floor, with the robot catching me "thank you....robot....what is your name" I didn't know his name so I just called him 'robot'.....he looked a little offended by that but he quickly calmed himself "ah- yes my name is kiibo, I guess I forgot to tell you I apologize" I nodded as kiibo set me down on the couch again "it's fine I um, kokichi ouma......is my name" Kiibo nodded and looked like he was about to say something but I cut him off with a sneeze and a brief coughing fit.....not on purpose though. He let out a laugh "you sneeze like a small animal, I'll go get some clothes for you and you can rest for a bit okay" "okay....and I do not sneeze like a small animal!" I defended as kiibo walked down the hallway, probably into his room.

After a few minutes kiibo walked back into the living room holding clothes "um I found some clothes that may fit you....do you need help putting them on?" I shook my head. I don't want his cold hands on my body im cold enough as it is "no....but- achoo!....but carry me to the bathroom" He nodded as he gently picked me up.

Once I was done changing my clothes and kiibo carried me back to the living room I was staring at the ceiling trying to fall asleep but I couldn't.....is kaito still mad?.....does he still want to kill me?.....does he know where I am? Does he know of the situation that I'm in? Did he find me phone? What now do I just live with a robot until my leg heals? Is he looking for me? Is ANYONE looking for me? Do they even care?....These questions raced through my mind....And i didn't have answers for any of them..... Kiibo seemes nice enough. I hope that we can be friends or something.....probably not....i let out another sigh as I shut my eyes tightly, trying to force myself to fall asleep.....as I drifted off I had one thought still remain in my mind....they don't even care that I've gone missing....do they.....

you should've just left me there (kiibouma)Where stories live. Discover now