Chapter 4: Snow Wolf and Toby

Start from the beginning

"Shit..." Dezmin mumbled. l immediately crashed my arms onto him. "The fuck.. what're you doing...?" he asked.

"Sorry." l mumbled back, my arms still around him. "l'm so happy. l was so worried."

"Worried about what?" he asked again, and then he cursed. l let myself go off of him and saw the cause of his curse. His leg had a huge gash on it. There was blood and l could see that it was bleeding really badly. "Worried about something like that." l replied, moving over a little so l could look at his wound as he muttered, "It's nothing..."

"lt's not nothing!" l told him. "This is bad! You could have an infection with this. l gotta clean it up." l moved up and took off the scarf that was tied around my wrist. l wrapped it around his leg. He winced in pain as l tied it. As l finished, he got up and started walking.

"What're you doing?" l asked him. "You can't be walking on that leg!"

"l told you its nothing!" he snarled at me making me flinch. He saw the look in my eyes and calmed down. "Sorry. But we need to get out of here. This place is dangerous." With that, he started walking again. l followed behind him, itching to ask him that question.

"l met your so called siblings." l muttered.

"Huh?" was his reply.

"Katherine and Hunter." l replied.

"Oh, those two from earlier?" Dezmin spoke, walking through the faded halls, his black hair flipping back and forth with each movement. "Did Hunter do anything to you?"

"Huh?" l snapped out of my daze. "What do you mean?"

"Hunter has a thing for pretty guys." Dezmin replied.

"Oh. That would mean why he was so close to me." l saw Dezmin tense as he heard that. Right then, an ear pounding siren rang through out the halls and there were people running in and out of doors, yelling orders and stuff like that in the once very quiet hallway.

"Damn right. And you're prettier than ones l usually see. So l want you and you should know, l always get what l want." Said an all to familiar voice.

"Hunter...!!" Dezmin growled at him.

"Oh. You're here too, little pup." Hunter said, scratching that bruise that l had given him. "How did you escape?"

"lt seems James wasn't cut out for the work you gave him, Hunter." Katherine said, from behind her brother. "But he did manage to leave a mark on you eh?" She was referring to Dezmin's wound. She turned around and called to someone behind her and he nodded and ran off. l realized that she had told him to get others, because before we knew it, we were surrounded by wolves and humans whom l assumed were werewolves.

Hunter laughed. "Of course! Hey, you there!" he said, pointing to me. "l told you remember? That puppy beside you isn't good for anything. Anything at all." Dezmin tensed again and l could feel anger boiling inside of me again.

"So let me ask you, puppy." Hunter taunted Dezmin once again. "What's keeping you alive? You've already tried to kill yourself before, and we all encouraged you. We're fine with you not being here. l mean truthfully, you weren't of any use to us in the first place." l saw Dezmin shaking and trembling. Hunter went closer and gave him a kick right in Dezmin's wounded leg, making Dezmin stumble but he held his posture and he retaliated with another punch, but l could tell he had lost strength due to his wound. Hunter dodged it easily and scoffed. "l'm sure that wherever you ran off to didn't like you either."

l've had enough.

"You're a worthless, useless, piece of trash."

l'm not taking this shit anymore.

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