Sakura Nagashi

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It was a bright full moon, it's natural light contradicting the always busy city.

The top of the skyscraper was in the shape of a dome that slowly turned to give a full view.

She was in a fatal red dress, that revealed her hourglass curves, with a slit going up to her thigh, showing where her white stockings stopped and snuggly squeezed around her legs, her black heels contrasting nicely with her stockings. She had elbow-length white gloves and a necklace just above her cleavage. Her ponytail had a more elegant style to it, with her blush tinted smile, finishing the look.

Izuku didn't try to gawk but he caught himself staring. He recovered, getting up and walking around the table to pull out her chair. He, himself, was wearing a suit with a black dress shirt and a green tie, slacks, and dress shoes.

"Thank you, Izuku." With her elegant voice. Her glove cupped his cheek before sliding down to his shoulder for support as she sat herself. He bit his lower lip because of how soft the glove was.

Izuku went to take his seat but had confused eyes. "Um, there's something different about you?" He questioned because she didn't feel like the shy innocent rich girl he helped move, she felt like a distinguished lady having the allure of the siren's song.

"Is there?"

"Y-Yeah, or maybe not, I don't know. A-Anyway, I reserved the whole floor for us, so don't worry about being interrupted."

"My, how considerate. Or is it because of Mt. Lady?" She giggled. Izuku had cleared it up at her office.

"Ugh, that Makoto really got me into a mess. But honestly, I just wanted a night with just us, you know."

"Like when you helped me move?"

"Y-Yeah." He rubbed the back of his head. "It was one of the few times we've spent alone together, since becoming heroes."

"It was actually the first."

They both glanced at each other. One winced, the other looked away.

The waiter came with food already prepared for them, and a bottle of wine, and left. They were left alone for the rest of the night.

"The view is pretty amazing." She commented after they finished eating. She took a sip of her wine, staring off at the city skyline's lights with a small smile.

Izuku gulped. The city light was reflecting off her, giving her porcelain skin a tender gleam. He cleared his throat and downed some wine to help with his nerves. "Yeah, it is. I don't know why but being with you feels like, I don't know, it's like I forget I'm a hero, but not in a bad way, if that makes sense." As he spoke, his thoughts went to seeing her at the concert, then to fighting Muscular... with Mirko. His expression faltered slowly but he tried to ignore it. Trying to ignore Rumi asking him why.

"It does, it really does... I've actually had similar thoughts, if we weren't heroes and lived a peaceful life..." And for some reason, her smile lessened as she lingered on the thought. She placed her wine glass down and turned her eyes to him. "Oh, Izuku I've thought about this for so long, a-actually I've always thought of you as my 'other stuff." Referring to the day he helped her move in and what they were talking about before they slept together.

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