{Chapter 6}

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"I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!" ✨

{Your POV}

{small time skip}

"Ryuzaki?" Watari came from behind. I got kinda bored just watching Light doing homework so i just doodled.

"What is it, Watari?"

"A few minutes ago, A bank clerk being questioned on suspicion of embezzlement, and a purse snatched being held in a detention centre were broadcast on the news...."

Let me guess...They died?. I looked back on the cameras and light was still working...He couldn't possibly be kira.

"They both just died of sudden, inexplicable heart attacks."

called it

"it's him again!" Chief stood up. But they are low criminals..Doesn't kira go for the more dangerous ones? or could it just be they could only be broadcasted.

"While all that was happening at your home. Your wife and daughter were watching television. When that was over they turned the TV off and didn't watch anything after wards"

Meanwhile Light has been studying...

"L-light's been doing nothing but s-studying. Kira needs a face and name, Witho-out those he can't k-kill". I continued to doodle

"That means my family is cleared?" Yagami asked. But those are low criminals...

"It doesn't make sense that Kira would kill two petty criminals" L spoke. I just nodded

"It almost seems the yagami house seems too innocent to me" He put his thumb on his lips and continued monitoring Light.

{Again time skip}

"In the past few days, I have listened to all of our audios recordings and reviewed the video we captured"

We had a meeting early morning today. Everyone just seems eager to hear what Ryūzaki has to say about their families, Of course L had a investigation on me before the rest of the guys

He pulled out a chocolate out of a wrapping and continues speaking

"And i've come to a conclusion. Our surveillance of the kitamura and Yagami households, has revealed..."

The families we monitored seemed innocent enough to me but that's up to L to decide


I smiled at everyone reassuring them even more.

"We will remove the cameras and wiretaps" He ate and spoke. Ryuzaki sure seems to like sweets..I wonder if i could find a lollipop..

I wandered around looking in the other rooms which i found a table full of sweets! Candies, lollipops, marshmallows, you name it. I grabbed a cherry one and walked back

Everyone was relieved and happy

{Time skip sorry for so much}


"Yes R-ryuzaki?" I was organizing papers since it was all over the place.
"How would you like to go back to collage?" He grabbed a candy

As awkward as you are (L-lawliet x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now