{Chapter 5} The chiefs family

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{Your POV}

After little while everyone was done with there ice cream.

"Yes?" Watari spoke.

"Yes, Would you please hold for a moment. Ryuzaki. It's Ukita as the NPA. He says he's on the phone with someone from the tip-up line who has information for us." He spoke

"Right. Then give Ukita the number for line 5 and have him ask him to informant call that line instead. It'll be safer that way." L explained

"Kohana It's ok for you to turn your cell phone on now. Actually, in fact please turn it on right away." L asked. Why would he want my phone? I pulled my phone out and turned it on as asked.

"Uh. S-sure"


"O-Oh!". It rung as soon as i turned it on. I felt L's hand take my phone away

"Yes this is Suzuki, head of kira's investigation public information division.". So that's what he wanted it on for...Hmp

"Raye Penber's Fiancée?"

Fiancée? Raye had a fiancée?

"Naomi Misora...I've heard of that name before..."L said. He's had people work for him in the past? Watari Shown the screen and right away L was shocked. It showed a women with Black long hair..she looked beautiful in fact...

L gasped which made me more curious of who this women was to him...

"So it's her..."

He just continued staring at the screen with out saying a word. He hung up and gave my phone back.

"Well apparently she's been missing since the day her fiancé died." L spoke

"I'm sure that anyone in her situation would be pretty depressed...Was it suicide?" Matsuda asked.

"No. The Naomi Misora i knew was strong.." L seemed to be really in thought of what happened.

"Not to mention that she was also an excellent FBI agent". I wonder what his and her relationship was like?...GET IT TOGETHER Y/N! all he said was she was a good agent and you haven't been a detective for that long! Besides you just heard she's Raye's fiancé

" if anything it's more likely that she is trying to catch and kira right now. it appears she came to Japan with Penber. it's possible she may have found a lead" He pondered. He was really in thought, he had his thumb to his mouth staring at the wall. He seems to do that a lot...

"everyone from this point I'd like to focus our investigation on only those people whom Raye Penber was tailing. In particular she was assigned to two police officers and those closest to them." He said. So Raye was investigating the police and their families?

"Very well who are these two individuals he was investigating?" The chief asked. L turned
to us. And with a blank stare, he spoke

"Deputy Director General Kitamura, along with... Detective Superintendent Yagami, and their families. at this stage I'd like place to wire tap and surveillance cameras in both households" L spoke. Wha- But isn't that illegal?! I looked over at Yagami and he was shocked to Hear this

"Surveillance cameras? Ryuzaki!" Matsuda exclaimed

"I don't see how you could even consider this!" Aizawa yelled. I mean this could be going to far but what if Raye was actually killed by a person in those households!

"if this got out, We'd have a civil rights scandal on our hands! We'd all lose our jobs" Aizawa said. I just sat back and listened, He isn't wrong there but we did say we'd risk our lives for this case!

"You told me you'd be willing to risk your lives for this investigation. But you won't risk your jobs? " L suddenly snapped back. Everyone fell silent for a moment

"R-Ryuzaki, What are the odds that kira is in one of those h-households?" I asked. He glanced over at me

"Maybe 10%. No, it's closer to 5%."

"Seriously? i'm sorry, but it's not worth the risk-"

"No. Of all the people we've investigated so far, not one of them seemed even the least bit suspicious. Even if there's only a one percent chance, we simply can't afford to ignore it".

Someone's a little too deep in the investigation. But he'd be spying on his family! I wonder what should happen if his family found out!

"I don't have to tell you how offended i am to learn my family is under suspicion. Having said that, just go ahead with it" He spoke. Damn I guess he's really dedicated his life to this case at the start. But then what about me? I'm currently living here with L (not to mention against my will) Will i have to also stick by L as to put the suspicion off me?

"And make sure you install them everywhere...I don't want any blind spots in the house, That includes the bathroom"

"Thank you very much, that was my intention" L said. I just grabbed the notes i've written down and was about to leave, I don't really want to stick around to this argument so i went to my room.

{Smol time skip}

Doodling helps when i can't have my phone. It's kind of like having my mom take my phone away but this time from L, He has his phone on and none of us do.

{Knock knock}

"C-come in..."

"Hello Miss/Mr.L/N. L had requested you join him with Chief Yagami for surveillance" Watari spoke. I nodded and pulled a hoodie over and walked out. Watari opened the door and The chief and L were sitting in front of the TV

I walked over and seen a young boy possibly my age walk into the house, I'm guessing he's the Chiefs son. I heard he had 2 children

"Ah..Kohana Please join us." L gestured a spot by him. I awkwardly shuffled over and took the seat.

"I never believed it. I never knew he went to suck great lengths." They both had put a small piece of paper on the bottom of the door. I wonder what he could be hiding, He left soon after and hasn't come back till a half hour later.

He pulled out a magazine that showed some girls in bikini suits. I snorted and covered my mouth as to not laugh, L took notice and shook his head.

"What on earth is he looking at?"

{A/N: i've forgotten the lines to this so ima make them up lmao}.

"I-it seems h-he's looking at por-"


I flinched.


"S-sorry..." I looked away as to not cry, I hate it when people yell at me...It just builds more pressure in my self to actually cry..

"y/n..."L whispered. He used my name?

"Your alright there's no need to cry" he whispered. Yagami got up and walked out the door with out a word..not even a sorry either

"I'm ok...I just h-hate being y-yelled at..." I shrunk into my hoodie even more to hide the embarrassment on my face.

"It's fine..We all have something to hate"

I stuck around some more, Light just seems like a normal kid to me. Sure he seems to sophisticated to be reading that kind of stuff.

After a while he left. Not know where he's gone too I left to my room. "Chief? I'm sorry if I c-caused trouble f-for you, I only laughed because of his actions."

He sighed "No, Kohana, I shouldn't have yelled that way towards you. I'm the one who should apologize.."

I smiled. Again he sent me to my room to get some rest but this night my insomnia gotten worse and i haven't been able to sleep all night

{End of chapter 5}

Idk what to write here other than.
imagine liking actual real breathing people

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