"We'll make them pay!" she cried out, determination dripping from her voice. Behind her, Petalheart sat with her head held high. Brackenclaw had appeared next to the NightClan deputy, and Spottedpath caught sight of an unsettling glint as it flashed in his eyes. Lionpelt, a thick-furred golden tabby, and Greythorn, a grey molly with long, tangled fur, stepped forward after Honeyheart disappeared back into the crowd.

     "This is war! This is war!" they started chanting while walking in circles, stomping their paws dramatically against the forest floor with every step. Soon, the entire clearing had joined in with the chant, the crowd rippling back and forth as they did so. Spottedpath blinked and exchanged a glance with Mouseberry. The atmosphere of the clearing filled her with an odd mixture of anxiety and determination, and she could see the same feelings swimming in her friend's eyes. Everyone is ready to jump right into war, she thought uneasily.

     "Settle down, everyone!" Harestar called out, though pride glimmered clearly in her amber eyes as she watched her Clan. "I believe it is also time to tell you of a prophecy that was delivered to some of the medicine cats many moons ago—during the coldest moon of the last leafbare. The prophecy says that all four Clans must work together to defeat Deadeye—if we can manage that, we will earn our victory!" Spottedpath hid her surprise at the revelation, though she couldn't keep it from setting her thoughts ablaze, not unlike the buzz of excitement that rose from the surrounding crowd. Another prophecy? she wondered, letting her gaze briefly flicker to Muddapple. The brown-furred medicine cat's expression was unreadable, as were those of his fellow medicine cats. From before . . . before I was even born? Is that why they were so adamant about me being in SwiftClan? Mouseberry nudged Spottedpath suddenly, startling her and dragging her out of her thoughts.

     "We're making history here, Spottedpath!" he whispered excitedly, his blue and yellow eyes twinkling. His previous anxiety had vanished entirely from his expression, though the determination was still present. "This'll be a battle they talk about for seasons! They'll tell stories of it, even after we die! We could become heroes, Spottedpath!" 

     Spottedpath couldn't help cringing at his words as they reminded her of the weight that had settled on her shoulders. No matter how hard she rejected Shadestar and his delirious dreams, Spottedpath knew now that she had to do everything she could think of to help the Clans. According to their starry-furred ancestors, she was the only one who could truly change the tides of this war. They had rested all their hope, the hope of past legends, on her. The knowledge of their expectations made Spottedpath want to do nothing other than disappear, though she knew she couldn't. 

     She wasn't given too much time to worry about her responsibilities to the Clans, however. The bramble tunnel that served as the entrance to the camp quivered violently, silencing the cats inside the camp as it demanded their attention. After a few apprehensive moments, Gorsefeather and Dewfrost emerged from the tunnel. The tense atmosphere immediately dissipated, though Spottedpath's remained when she saw how winded they were. They look like they were in a hurry to return, she thought, growing worried. Harestar's attention immediately zeroed in on the two breathless warriors, her ears perked curiously.

     "What did Kinkstar have to say?" she queried, twitching the tip of her tail at the end of her question. The two messengers exchanged an uneasy glance that confirmed Spottedpath's worries. Spottedpath held her breath as Gorsefeather stepped forward to answer Harestar's question.

     "Actually, they've found themselves caught in a . . . rather similar situation," the orange-and-white tabby mewed hesitantly. Spottedpath frowned at the response, glancing back to the two leaders briefly.

     "What do you mean?" Harestar's voice fell flat, though now there was a slight edge to it; it was an edge that ignited a tangible feeling of unease across the clearing. Beside her, Fishstar leaned forward, worry written across his face and his tail twitching quickly. The warriors surrounding Spottedpath gave murmurs that matched his concern. 

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