Dark Circles and Worried Band Mates

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, High School Musical, or any of the music!

Summary: With trying to balance so many things in her life, Julie isn't taking care of herself, which leads to disaster. Her band starts to worry about her. Caleb hasn't possessed Nick yet. This is a couple of weeks after the last episode.

It had been a long week for Julie and she was ready to sit back and catch up on some sleep but she remembered she had a calculus test tomorrow. She really needed to study since she flunked her last one and her GPA couldn't afford to get anything but an A in that class. Julie rolled off her bed and opened her back pack to grab her calculus book. She sighed knowing that she was in for a long night and an even longer day. Opening her book to the units her class was currently working on, Julie sat down at her desk and started reading with the hope that her brain would retain the knowledge. 


After studying for hours on end, taking a break was necessary. She tore her eyes off the paper and cleared her mind of math for the time being. Julie thought back to the events of the week and somehow it just made her more tired than she already was. Her dad had almost figured out about the ghost band living in their old studio. Lying on the spot was never her specialty so it took a lot of convincing before he let her off the hook. Carlos found out about Sunset Curve and Julie had to beg her brother not to make them a special on his new YouTube channel. Nick had also needed help in History this week and she just couldn't say no to her friend in need. The cherry on top to make her week even more stressful was that Willie hadn't seen or heard from Caleb so he could be anywhere, plotting to take revenge. These new upbringings, plus regular school and band rehearsals, were a lot for just one 16 year old to handle and it led to a lot of sleepless nights. Julie never told anyone about these things because for one, most people didn't know about her band being dead, and two, Julie didn't want any pitying glances from Flynn or the boys thinking she was weak. Somewhere deep down she knew they wouldn't judge her like that but there was still the irrational part in her mind that told her to keep it a secret and to just deal with it on her own. Her thoughts dissipated when she heard her phone ding with a notification. It was a reminder about her upcoming test and Julie decided it was best to ignore her pent up stress and continue trekking on. She looked at the time on her phone and it was well past midnight. She groaned at the amount of sleep she was going to end up having but she replaced her eyes on the textbook and continued her rigorous studying habits.


Julie woke with a start when her alarm started blaring from her clock. She realized she had fallen asleep sitting at her desk and she had a pounding headache from the uncomfortable position. The last thing she remembered was checking the clock at four am and telling herself she just needed to work out a few more problems. Julie packed her things and started getting ready, not really caring how her appearance was anymore. She spaced out for a few minutes here and there, contemplating if she should study or continue on her new song on the bus. Apparently she spaced out for way longer than she planned on because her dad was calling up to her telling her she was going to be late. She rushed down the stairs with her bag and ran out the door, missing breakfast and yelling a quick goodbye. She started to open the gate before she felt someone touch her shoulder. She turned around and Luke was looking at her with concern written all over his features. "Hey, Julie. What are you rushing out for? Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Was up late last night again and I'm really late for the bus. See you tonight!" Julie said quickly. "See you!" Luke said as he watched her speed walking down the sidewalk to her bus stop. 

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