Christmas Movies and Locked Doors

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Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, Christmas Wedding Planner, or any of the music!

Summary: It's been a couple of weeks since they played the Orpheum and the band can now touch Julie but still can't be seen. They can also sleep but not eat. Alex and Reggie are going to try and make Juke happen with a little help from Willie. 

Life, or afterlife, Alex supposed, had been strange since the band played the Orpheum and were saved by their lead singer. For starters, they could now touch Julie. Caleb also hadn't been seen in a while so Willie was temporarily free. They were still cautious when they met up and Willie always gave them updates about any club news. Willie had yet to meet Julie, for her safety, just in case Caleb was still watching him from afar. Alex was going to meet up with him after band practice today. Alex, Luke, and Reggie were all waiting on Julie to arrive in the garage so they could start. After a few minutes, she rushed into the studio . "Sorry I'm late! I had to talk to dad about some-" Julie didn't finish her sentence cause she tripped over Reggie's chord that connected his bass to the amp. Alex would've caught her but Luke beat him to it. "You ok, Jules?" He asked giving her one of his smiles that made most girls flustered. It seemed like Julie was one of them. "Uhhh, yeah I'm good." She said while a pink tint spread across her cheeks. Neither of them moved as they stared into each others eyes and Alex had to stifle a laugh. Those two were always making heart eyes at each other but they were both too chicken to say anything about it. He glanced at Reggie who looked like he was going to burst at any minute so Alex cleared his throat. The sound made Luke and Julie jump apart from each other and they both looked equally embarrassed. Alex almost rolled his eyes at how oblivious they were. After they learned that they could touch Julie, He could tell that Luke fought the urge to touch her constantly. It astounded him how two smart people could be so dumb sometimes. "We should start practice. How about Flying Solo?" Luke said to diverge the attention away from him. Alex and Reggie exchanged looks and decided silently that they would let him have this one. "Sure." Reggie said with a grin and they got in their places. Alex counted them off and they rehearsed. At some point Alex started watching Luke as he stared at Julie while she sang, making heart eyes once again. He couldn't take this anymore. Alex needed a plan to get this couple to confess their mutual feelings for each other and soon. Them being attached at the hip and sickeningly sweet would be better than this stupidity. They finished out the song and Alex started walking to the door, grabbing Reggie's arm along the way. "We'll be back later!" He called out to Luke and Julie before phasing through the door and leading Reggie to the driveway. "Dude! What was that for?" Reggie whined, confused. "I need your help. Luke and Julie are never going to get together unless they have a little shove." Reggie caught on to what Alex was saying quickly and started smirking with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Yes! I watched this movie with Tía a few nights ago and I have an idea. What if we tricked them into a room with each other and them locked them in." Alex contemplated this idea and it wasn't bad. Then he realized there was one huge flaw. "But Luke can just poof out or walk through the walls." Alex said and Reggie looked disappointed. "Wait! Willie told me about these arm bands that block ghost powers like being able to phase and teleport." Willie had been talking to Alex about his time at the ghost club and all the things that Alex had yet to learn about. "That's so cool! Do you think you could snag some from Willie?" Reggie asked. Alex nodded. "Yeah, I think so. I'm meeting up with him in a few minutes." Alex said with a lovesick grin. He ignored the eyebrow wiggle from Reggie. "Stop it, man! At least we're actually dating. These two can't even have a meaningful conversation about their relationship without our help." Reggie laughed. "True. They really are oblivious children." Alex laughed. "Well I should get to Willie and tell him our plan. Bye!" Alex said. "See you later!" Reggie replied and he poofed out.


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