don't be so hard on yourself.

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Levi x Insecure!Reader

[ a/n | hello! hello! I apologize for my absence, college is kicking my ass. Anyway, I will edit the previous chapters soon! ]

(Y/N) sat in her small, cozy apartment, bathed in the soft glow of a few candles. The evening was quiet, and the melodic tune of "Don't Be So Hard on Yourself" played softly in the background. Her thoughts were heavy, burdened by the complexities of her relationship with Levi.

She gazed out of the window at the city below, lost in the lyrics of the song as they echoed the turmoil in her heart. (Y/N) and Levi's love story had been a tumultuous one, filled with highs and lows that had left her feeling battered and bruised emotionally. She had always been her own harshest critic, blaming herself for the mistakes and missteps along the way.

As the song's chorus played, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. She had often been too quick to blame herself for the problems in their relationship, holding herself to impossibly high standards. She had felt the weight of her own insecurities and fears, letting them cast a shadow over the love they shared.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," the song crooned, and (Y/N) sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She had spent too many nights awake, questioning her worth and wondering if she deserved Levi's love. The doubt had crept into their relationship, causing rifts and misunderstandings.

Levi, for all his stoic exterior, had his own struggles. He was a man of few words, often burying his emotions deep within himself. (Y/N) had seen the vulnerability in his eyes, but she had been too caught up in her own insecurities to truly understand him.

As the final notes of the song faded away, (Y/N) knew that she couldn't keep living like this. She had to find a way to bridge the gap between them, to let go of her self-blame and communicate with Levi openly and honestly. Love was meant to be a partnership, not a battle of insecurities.

With newfound determination, (Y/N) picked up her phone and dialed Levi's number. It rang a few times before he picked up, his voice gruff and distant.

"(Y/N)? Is something wrong?" Levi's concern was evident, and (Y/N) took a deep breath, finding the strength to speak her truth.

"Levi, I need to talk to you," she began, her voice steady. "I've been too hard on myself, and I've let it affect our relationship. I love you, and I don't want to lose you, but I can't keep blaming myself for everything."

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and (Y/N) held her breath, waiting for Levi's response.

Finally, he spoke, his voice softening. "I've been hard on myself too, (Y/N). I've struggled to open up to you, to let you in. It's not just your fault, it's mine too."

Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she heard the vulnerability in Levi's voice. It was a side of him she had rarely seen, and it made her love him even more.

"Let's promise each other," she said, her voice trembling. "No more blame, no more insecurities. We'll face our demons together, as a team."

Levi didn't hesitate. "I promise, (Y/N). I love you, and I want this to work."

As they talked, (Y/N) felt the weight of self-blame slowly lifting from her shoulders. She realized that love was not about perfection but about understanding, forgiveness, and growth. With each word they shared, they moved closer to a deeper connection, a love that could weather any storm.

The candles flickered in the dimly lit room as (Y/N) and Levi continued their conversation, their hearts slowly mending the fractures that had threatened to break them apart. Love was a journey, and they were determined to walk it together, hand in hand, no longer being so hard on themselves.

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