*EXTRA* Chapter 11: Café

Start from the beginning

"Let's go. Waiting here for him is useless, since we know he isn't anywhere near this place." Freed decided. The rest of the group immediately got up, not daring to go against the rune mage's words.

Laxus' POV

What the actual hell. I should've known not to trust directions given to me by Eden. Now I'm lost somewhere in Magnolia. I know I've spent my entire life in this town, but there's still a lot of it that I've never been to before. I knew the café was somewhere in Magnolia, so I've been able to stay inside the city limits as to not cause even more confusion for myself.

I'm just wandering around some random street, with people staring at me like I've gone mad. 

They have a right to think so.

I'm totally lost.

I hope someone finds me soon.

Nobody's POV

Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen, and Eden were walking around the streets of Magnolia, frantically searching for Laxus. They had been searching for an incredibly long time now, and were about to give up hope when they arrived at a small ice cream shop.

"Hey, Carla! You should try some, its really good!" they heard, the speakers familiar voice ringing in their ears.

They turned their heads to find Carla and Wendy, the latter eating a cone of strawberry ice cream. 

"Wendy! So glad to see you!" Evergreen exclaimed, rushing over to the sky dragon slayer. 

Wendy, startled, looked up at the sound of her voice frantically. Upon seeing Evergreen and some familiar faces, she relaxed.

"Hi, Evergreen. How are you?" Wendy asked in her usual polite manner. 

"I'm fine, but we desperately need your help." Evergreen pleaded, staring intently at the blue-haired girl.

"Erm....what for?" Wendy inquired, feeling uncomfortable under the stares of multiple strong wizards.

"Would you happen to know where Laxus is? He might be...er...lost." Evergreen admitted. Wendy looked at her for a moment, confusion glazing her features. How could one of Fairy Tail's strongest wizards get lost?

"Lost? Like, in Magnolia?" Wendy asked, incredulous. The Thunder Legion along with Eden sweat dropped, forgetting how the lightning dragon's reputation shielded some of his greatest weaknesses. Freed nodded his head, signaling that her words were correct.

"Well...I recall seeing him walking by here not too long ago. If you want, I can try using my nose to help track him down." Wendy offered, still feeling quite nervous. Evergreen's face lit up.

"Yes, that would be wonderful. Thanks so much!" Evergreen rejoiced, grabbing to poor girl's hand and dragging her along with them. 

As they walked, Wendy carefully sniffed the air, trying to catch as much as Laxus' scent as she could. She helped direct the group through long, winding roads that led to parts of Magnolia that they didn't even know existed.

"How bad were the directions you gave him, baby?" Bickslow asked Eden with a smirk. 

"I mean, they were pretty bad, but I didn't expect him to discover half the town!" Eden answered back, her own smirk playing on her lips.

Freed stopped where he was walking in front of them and turned around to send them a menacing glare. The two immediately stopped their conversation, instead staring down at the ground. 

"I think he's nearby." Wendy suddenly announced, turning to face Freed.

"Lead the way, then." Freed answered, his impatience starting to show. Wendy nodded, going back to following the lightning dragon's scent trail.

Suddenly, the group saw Laxus, wandering around aimlessly.

"Laxus!" Freed exclaimed, running up to the lightning dragon slayer.

"Told ya it'd be fine." Eden huffed, making her way over to Laxus.

Initially, Laxus looked really relived to see that he had been found, since he hadn't the slightest idea of how to get back home. Though, as Eden walked up to him his expression changed from relieved to enraged. Eden stiffened under Laxus' hard gaze, which didn't waver in the slightest.

"Come on, we're going home." Laxus growled, swiftly picking Eden up and swinging her over his shoulder. The Thunder Legion just stood there with 'good luck' expressions on their faces. Eden pouted and crossed her arms, before a thought popped into her head.


"Yeah, idiot?"

"Do you know how to get home?"



I hope you enjoyed this story, because I had I fun time writing it! And thanks for the reads and votes!!

Have a great day!!!


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