Chapter 6: Guild

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Chapter 6!!


Nobody's POV

After reporting to Crolt and receiving their reward from him, the group went to go take the train back to Magnolia. Laxus was a little reluctant, but after some teasing from Eden, he obliged.

They all sat down in their cabin, trying to get comfortable before the train left. Laxus sat near a window, putting on his Sound Pods to avoid feeling his motion sickness. Eden sat to his right, while Bickslow, Freed, and Evergreen sat across from them in that order.

Once the train started moving, Laxus' face paled and he shifted in his seat. Eden smiled, and forcefully brought his head into her lap.

"You really are a pain," the lightning mage spoke as she toyed with the blonde head of hair on her lap. All she received was grunt in reply.

Time Skip ~~brought to you by Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki~~

Laxus stirred from his nap just as the train pulled into Magnolia station.

"Finally awake, baby?" Bickslow cackled, grabbing his satchel and standing up. Laxus grumbled something indefinite before slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"We there?" the blonde asked simply.

"Yes, your timing was impeccable, as always." Freed stated in a swooning voice. Evergreen rolled her eyes, opening the cabin door.

"And we best hurry, or we'll be on the train for another three hours." Evergreen chuckled, walking out of the cabin. At this comment, Laxus quickly gathered his stuff and sped out of the door before anyone else could leave. Eden and Bickslow gave each other a knowing look before exiting as well. Freed was the last to leave, making sure nothing was left behind.

The group left the station and made their way down the main road towards the Fairy Tail guild. The closer they got to the guild, the more nervous Eden got. Once they got past Cardia Cathedral, her nerves started to become visible.

"You good?" Laxus asked the dark-haired wizard. She seemed a bit startled by the question, but was able to collect herself before answering.

"Of course, idiot." she countered, her gaze still set straight. Laxus glanced at her before ignoring the thought and focusing on getting to his destination.

Soon, they arrived at the large guild hall. Loud, miscellaneous, noises could already be heard from inside the hall, which was only expected from such a guild. Laxus stepped forward, ready to let everyone know about their arrival.

"We're back!" the lightning dragon slayer shouted over the chatter as he pushed open the wooden doors. A chorus of 'welcome back' was heard shortly after.

"Laxus! Fight me!" Natsu screeched, running up to the blonde.

"No." Laxus answered, pushing past the fiery wizard. This action revealed Eden, who stood awkwardly amidst the chaos.

"Huh? Who're you? A new guild member?" Natsu questioned, getting in Eden's face and sniffing her. The dark-haired wizard froze, letting him take in her scent.

"Natsu! That's rude! I'm sorry," Lucy said, turning to Eden, "My name's Lucy. This idiot is Natsu. Welcome to Fairy Tail."

Eden smiled, having a good feeling about joining Fairy Tail.

"You coming or not?" Laxus asked, turning backwards.

" 'Course I an, Sparky." Eden swiftly answered, jogging to catch up to him. Laxus cringed at the nickname.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that?"



"That's exactly why I call you you that, Dragon Boy!"


There's another chapter done! There's probably only going to be one or two chapters after this, since I don't really know what else to do with this story. If you have any suggestions, let me know! :)

Have a great day!!!


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