Melody 9 ~ Just my luck!

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Yes!! I posted as i said I will and also within a week (3 days specifically :P) since last chapter ;) so proud! This chapter is dedicated to my fans and supporters who still reads this monthly updating chapters B).... but i changed that today :) updated within a week! lets remove that monthly updater title and guilt i felt shall we?

i also wrote authors note at the end, will do that from now on :) (don't think u guys even pay attendin to it but i will still always write it!)

Every VOTE counts so please >.onegaishimasu (please)! -bows 90 degrees-



                           Melody 9 ~ Just my luck!


My guess of walking home with that pervert had turned into a reality for this past 3 weeks. Everyday he would always be in my sight when going home. Either I would be at the front and he would be walking behind me or the other way around.

Although, it does make me feel safer. To have someone that I know in the area with me. The only reason of having him with me is so that.... so that he can be my witness to say to the police that me beating any possible bad guys up to a pulp was an act of self defence.

Fufufu. I brushed the tip of my nose with my pointy finger feeling proud of something I was remembering. It was a painful memory of them times when I had to attend Judo and Aikido classes. Those days will surely be of use. Especially to times like now as kidnapping of high school girls is becoming more regular.

That reminds me, I am now officially in charge of classroom duties! My classmates who brainwashed our homeroom teacher, Yashida sensei as well, they thought that since I've always ended up doing it the most, I am fated and tied to it. Plus I'm more 'experienced' at it. Tsk. Yeah right! As I was thinking back to the excuses they were giving out,  I didn't realise I already finished rubbing the blackboard. Hm, maybe I should get angry more often?

After I finished tidying up, I grabbed my backpack and closed the classroom door.


I wonder how Nana-chan found it. It was at the music room, so how did it get left in the teachers lounge? Maybe a student handed it in... I wonder who though. Because I wanted to ask if they have any idea on where my necklace is or where they found it. If not, I am doomed! It was the only thing that reminded me that he did exist. He will be very disappointed in me next time we meet! Yes, I still believe we will even though I haven't seen him or heard of him since then...

"Kon'nichiwa Katsuo-san."

I shook my head trying to shrug off the hallucination. Now is not the time to be imagining Tsukasa sensei's voice (A/N: unless u forgot, he is basically the schools nurse ^_^). I began making my way out the corridor when his voice called out again.


I shut my eyes tightly and pressed my foreheads temple using the tips of my fingers, concentrating.


"D-Daijōbudesuka (Are you okay)?"

Slapping the side of my cheeks, I tried to compose myself. "Snap out of it Kari! Stop hallucination Tsukasa sensei's voice!" I opened my eyes and turned around only to come face to face with the actual Tsukasa sensei.

He. Really. Is. Here! In flesh!

"Ahhhh!!" I screamed and sprinted out the building. I ignored all his calls after me because my mind my totally blank. Not even stopping or looking back, I just kept on running.

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