-Halloween Special-

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Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you like this little thing I did. This is inspired by the Angels of Death Drama CD, so please go check it out! I'll put the video below!

(This Halloween Special does not have anything to do with the actual plot of the story, this is more of a oneshot type thing)








{1st Person P.O.V.}

The night sky as dark as a black cat's pelt, the breeze as chilly as a ghost's touch, as expected of Halloween night. I looked outside the slightly dusty window, my (e/c) eyes gleaming in the bright moonlight. My expression was solemn as I continued staring at the moon. I adjust the hat atop of my head, assuring it wouldn't fall off.

To put it simply, I'm part of a group that travels to different places and put together different haunted houses. Our job is to scare anyone who dares come inside of this attraction. 

The employees, I suppose you would call them, were all different sorts of monsters. I was a witch, Eddie was a jack-o-lantern, Zack was a werewolf, Danny was a Frankenstein, Cathy was a cat girl, and finally, Gray was a vampire.

Behind me, I could hear Zack shout, "oi, what the hell are you doing, brat?" I suppose he was referring to me.

"I'm staring at the moon," I reply, turning my head to look back at the tall man.

"Well, stop. We have people coming into the house soon! Get up and stop being lazy!" Zack exclaims. His voice seemed to boom off of the walls. Zack's fangs gleamed in the moonlight and his wolf ears twitched in annoyance.

"Alright. Well, aren't you full of joy," I mumble, standing up from my seat. I brush off the small specks of dust from my black dress.

My attire consisted of a long-sleeved (which the sleeves were a bit to long, causing them to cover my hands if I didn't cuff them) black dress, a large, white ribbon wrapped around my waist, it being tied into a bow at the back, white gloves, white-striped stockings, large boots, and last, but not least, a large witch hat resting atop my head. The hat also had a large bow on it, which made it slightly heavy.

Danny then makes an appearance, holding a jar of eyes in his hands. "I see you're just as noisy as always, Zack." Danny's face was covered with stitches, obviously because he was Frankenstein. He also had two large bolts sticking out from his head.

Zack then turns to Danny, growling at the man.

"I was in the middle of adding to my collection when all of a sudden, all I could hear was you screaming at (Y/n). All I want is for you to be a little more quiet," Danny mumbles as he inspect the jar in his grasp.

Cathy then walks up behind Danny, smirking like the Chesire Cat. "What about you, Frankenstein? All of those parts sewn together is pretty gross, isn't it? Imagine having to look at your reflection and see that you are just a bunch of mismatched limbs."

Cathy then peeks over Danny's shoulder, snatching the jar from his hands. Her cat ears twitched in delight as her paw gloves grasped the jar.

"Ah! My collection!" Danny yells in absolute terror as he watches Cathy roll around the jar of eyes on the floor. She smiles in delight, acting as though she was a cat playing with a toy.

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