VIII. Infestation - Ectobius Rex

Start from the beginning

"Huh, wait, what just happened?" Hop asked.

Piers gave an uneasy look. "Trouble."

Weston selected another Pokeball and tossed it into the air. "Now, Golisopod, prepare for combat!"

The massive bipedal insect came forth, standing menacingly over the injured Liepard as it eagerly awaited the opportunity to demonstrate some of the absurd strength it so obviously possessed.

Liepard managed to her feet, awaiting instructions for a counterstrike.

Marnie nodded. "Use snarl!", she yelled.

Liepard quickly positioned herself for another attack.

Weston smirked. "First Impression."

Golisopod's black compound eyes seemed to widen as Weston uttered those two words, almost as if they triggered a switch in his brain. In an instant, Golisopod moved forward with such incredible speed that he seemed to vanish.

Liepard froze at the sight, unable to trace her opponent's swift movements. It wasn't until Golisopod's attack was upon her that she was able to see him again, and by then it was much too late. Liepard stood helpless as Golisopod brought down his clasped hands on top of from over his head, like a two-handed war-hammer. The impact from the attack was so fierce that it kicked up a cloud of dirt from beneath Liepard as her body made impact with the ground.

All Marnie could do was call out to her Pokemon in a panic. "Liepard...!"

The dust cloud settled.

"Liepard is unable to battle", Rotom announced. "The winner is Golisopod!"

The crowd roared at the spectacle that had just unfolded before them.

Marcus and company sat in shock at everything they had just witnessed.

"Wh-what!?" Hop exclaimed. "How did he just do that!?"

"He read Marnie's every move", Marcus replied. "Weston must've known that Marnie would lead with Fake Out in order to gain the early-game momentum, so he used Orbeetle to derail that momentum and raise his party's defenses, and then followed it up immediately with Golisopod to take that derailed momentum and make it his own."

"Huh? Are you saying that Marnie just got played!?", Hop yelled.

Marcus nodded regrettably. "Hard. And she wants to win this battle, she's gonna have to start recognizing the signs much sooner."

"C'mon, Marnie, you can do it!"

Piers looked to his sister as she stood in a state of disbelief. Don't lose your cool, Marn.

Golisopod roared fiercely with his arms raised in the air as he relished in the thrill of his victory.

Marnie grit her teeth as she quickly returned Liepard to her Pokeball. This certainly wasn't the start to the match she'd been hoping for.

"Heheheh, well how was that for a first impression, hmm?", Weston sneered as he rubbed a finger beneath his nose. "By now, I imagine you're probably starting to see just how outclassed you really are. That is the promise of strength the League intends to provide to Galar." He threw his arms to the side in an open gesture with a sarcastic smirk. "I'm afraid this region's future just has no room for weakness like yours."

Marnie let out a quiet breath. "You talk too much", she replied bluntly. "You'd better stay strapped in, 'cuz we're just gettin' started."

Weston looked up at her in surprise to find her gaze still focused and determined. So, the brilliant display of my tactics and talents in the first round wasn't enough, eh? Weston thought to himself. You honestly think you still have a chance...

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