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i got this idea from @JilysGlee and thought it would be fun to do myself :) these are just my opinions on what i think the answers would be, i'm curious to see if you agree or disagree !

1. Who is the early bird/night owl?
Draco's the night owl, Hermione's the early bird. Although I can see Hermione staying up late to finish a book lol

2. Who is the big spoon/little spoon?
I feel like Draco would be the big spoon most of the time just because I imagine him as being quite a bit taller than Hermione. But, I feel like they're both; I can see him cuddling his head into her neck but at the same time I can totally see him having his arm around her waist protectively holding her back to his chest.

3. Who hogs the cover/likes to cuddle?
Hermione hogs the cover unintentionally and then denies it, and Draco loves to cuddle. He's a secret softie for Hermione :)

4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Draco, on the rare occasion he actually wakes up before Hermione.

5. Who usually has nightmares?
Both of them, for obvious reasons. But, they're both also very good at comforting each other so those nightmares don't happen often.

6. Who would have deep emotional thoughts in the middle of the night/ who would have them in the middle of the day?
Draco has them in the middle of the night, since he still keeps most of his emotions to himself during the day when he's around people other than his close friends and Hermione. She would have them in the middle of the day, I guess.

7. Who sweats the small stuff?
Draco, 100%. He can be a bit of a perfectionist :)

8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/in their pajamas?
Hermione has some very comfy pj's, while Draco usually only has bottoms on.

9. Who makes the coffee/tea?
Hermione, since she's usually up before him.

10. Who likes sweet/ who likes sour?
They both have the biggest sweet tooth's, although they try to hide it, especially Draco.

11. Who likes horror movies/ who likes romantic movies?
Draco will claim to like horror movies more, but he secretly enjoys watching rom-coms with Hermione. I feel like they'd both also get annoyed at the characters in horror movies for making stupid decisions that get them killed.

12. Who is smol/ who is tol?
Draco's at least 6 ft, in my mind at least lol, while Hermione's probably average height, 5'5"-5'7".

13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Draco, probably. Hermione likes to tease him about it while he denies it wholeheartedly.

14. Who kills the spiders?
Hermione, because Draco's a scaredy cat.

15. Who's scared of the dark?
Hermione, but only when she's alone, and she doesn't like to admit it.

16. Who is scared of thunderstorms?
I don't think either of them are really that scared of thunderstorms, unless the thunder is suddenly very loud. They probably enjoy reading during those rainy days.

17. Who works/ who stays at home?
They both work lmao Hermione is no housewife and Draco has a company to run.

18. Who is a cat person/ who is a dog person?
Hermione, cats. Draco, dogs.

19. Who loves to call the other cute names?
I feel like Draco does it more and it's absolutely adorable. But like classic cute names like darling and love and 'Mione, while also being the only person that can call her Mia. I can see Hermione using names like honey and sunshine, while also making fun of him by calling him drake or drakiepoo or ferret lmao. When they're both feeling sassy or mischievous, they use Granger and Malfoy.

20. Who is dominant/submissive?
Neither of them are completely submissive, that's for sure. Draco may be more dominant sometimes only because he's overprotective and gets jealous faster, but Hermione can easily put him in his place and become more dominant if she wants to.


i should prob get back to actually doing school work now lmao, new fics coming soon :)

<3, mallika

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