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"...you filthy little mudblood."

Draco sneered, narrowing his eyes at the brown haired girl in front of him. She stared back at him defiantly, but he could tell that her eyes were beginning to water.

He felt his heart drop, but kept his face emotionless.

"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy! EAT SLUGS!" Ron exclaimed, waving his broken wand. A green light came out, but instead of going towards Draco, it went in the opposite direction, sending Ron flying to the ground. The Gryffindors immediately ran over, leaving Draco and his teammates laughing behind them.

"Let's take him to Hagrid's, he'll know what to do." Harry said as he and Hermione took each of Ron's arms; the red haired boy continuing to spit out slugs every couple seconds. They rushed past Draco, who was still snickering slightly. As they left, the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team glared at the Slytherins.

Marcus Flint turned to his team. "We should get going to the field; we can't lose any more practice time."

The Slytherins all smirked, Draco especially as he made eye contact with Oliver Wood, and they continued on to the field.

It was only after everyone was gone, that he let his mask come off.


Draco sat at his desk, staring at the parchment before him. He frowned as he remembered what he had said. It made his stomach queasy just thinking about it, but what he really couldn't get out of his head was her face. How brave and strong she had still looked, even after he called her the most degrading word in the wizarding world. When he had come back from practice, he couldn't stop thinking about that moment, so much so that nothing had seemed to help make him feel better until he thought of this.

Writing an apology letter.

Sighing, he dipped his quill and began to write.


Dear Hermione,

I'm sorry for what I said today. I really didn't mean it, but I had to keep up my stupid façade with all of the other Slytherins around. I wish I could be even just civil to you; but no, being a Malfoy means that I must follow all the pureblood ways, including thinking less of the people that aren't purebloods.

I wish it could be different. I wish I could apologize to you in person. I wish for a lot of things, but knowing me, they'll probably never happen. My father would be furious if I even so much as dared to go against him, and we all know I'm too much of a coward to do that. So, if something like this happens again, I'm sorry in advance. For everything.



He read over the paper in his hands. Should he send it?

No, that'd be way too odd. Who knows what her reaction would be. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought I was just pulling her leg. Too bad she'll never know that I mean it.

Groaning, he crumpled up the letter and threw it back on his desk. But after staring at the little paper ball, he couldn't bring himself to throw it away. Slowly, he took the letter and uncrumpled it, putting it inside an empty folder. He tucked it under some books in his desk drawer, trying to hide it as best he can.

Might as well keep it as a reminder of how I really feel. Who knows, maybe I'll find the courage later to give it to her.

After taking one last look to make sure the drawer was securely closed, he got up and got ready for bed.

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