the reunion pt. 2

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Hermione smiled up at her husband, watching him nervously run his hand through that beautiful hair of his.

"Hey, don't worry, it's probably nothing serious. I was most likely just dehydrated or something."

He looked up at her and gave her a weak smile. "I know, but I just can't help but worry."

She reached over and squeezed his hand, giving him a reassuring smile. Just then, the door swung open and the Healer came in.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, I believe I have some news to give you."

Draco rose up from his seat beside Hermione. "Is it good or bad?"

"In my opinion, very good."

Draco let out a sigh of relief, and the Healer continued.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Malfoy, you're pregnant."

Hermione jumped off the bed, her face a mix of disbelief and pure joy. "I-I'm pregnant? I'm pregnant! Oh my goodness, Draco, I'm pregnant!!" She turned to him and the exact same expression on his face.

In one motion, Draco scooped his wife up and spun her around. "I can't believe this! We're going to have a child!"

Hermione laughed at his excitement as he set her down and looked into her eyes. "I love you so much."

Hermione beamed as she saw the pure love radiating from his grey orbs. She couldn't believe she was going to start a family, and she was so glad she was going to do it with the love of her life.

"I love you too," she replied, "so much."

She reached up and met his lips, happiness rushing through her veins.

"Hermio- oh."

Draco and Hermione separated and found Harry, Ron, and Ginny standing there, staring at the two of them.

"Hey guys!" Hermione giggled as Draco looked down, blushing.

"Sorry we interrupted your—uh—moment. Are you okay? Do they know why you fainted?" Ginny asked nervously, Harry and Ron breaking out of their trances and now awkwardly looking down as well.

Hermione smiled. "I'm fine. The reason I fainted though was because I'm...pregnant."
She looked up at her friends and her smile grew when she saw their overjoyed expressions.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?! OH MY GOODNESS, CONGRATULATIONS!!" Ginny shrieked, running over and giving Hermione a suffocating hug.

"This is great news 'Mione! I'm so happy for you!" Harry exclaimed, then turning to Draco and saying, "Congratulations, Malfoy. Although Hermione here still needs to explain to us why she married you, I can tell you really love each other and I wish you the best."

After giving Hermione a hug, Ron came up to the men and added, "Same for me. But if you don't take good care of Hermione and the baby, there's going to be a lot of trouble."

Draco looked surprised for a second, but covered it with a chuckle, replying, "Thanks. And don't worry, I love her too much to let anything bad happen to her or our kid."

With that, they exchanged curt nods and turned back to Hermione and Ginny.

"Well, we should probably go now. It's late." Hermione said, giving each of them another hug before slipping her hand into Draco's.

"Where do you live by the way? You have got to tell me how all of this," Ginny said pointing at the couple, "happened."

"Malfoy Manor," Hermione replied with a small laugh, "but it looks a lot better than before, thanks to me."

"Ok, see you soon!" The trio replied, before Apparating away.

Hermione sighed happily and rested her head on Draco's shoulder. "Let's go home. What a day this has been."

Draco kissed her hair, and they Apparated back to their bedroom.

What a day indeed.
the end! if you enjoyed this one, thank you for liking my mediocre writing lmao. anyways, if you have any suggestions for oneshots, literally anything at all don't hesitate to comment :)

p.s. here are pictures of what i imagined hermione's dress and hair to look like, if anyone wanted to know

 here are pictures of what i imagined hermione's dress and hair to look like, if anyone wanted to know

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