Chapter 10: A Big Deal

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A/N - Thank you all for your support again. I've really appreciated it. Enjoy!

Chapter 10: A Big Deal

Kirishima almost choked on the toothpaste in his mouth. "What?!" He croaked out after he had spit the toothpaste foam into the sink. 

"Nothing. Nevermind." Bakugo mumbled, a blush creeping across his face. He knew it had been a stupid question. They haven't even been together a year. He probably freaked Eijiro out with it.

"No, we should talk about this. I'm sorry you just blindsided me. You're not one that brings things up a lot, especially something like this." The red-head quickly made his way over to the insecure boy  and tried to reassure him. "Of course I've thought about it. I love you and I would like to spend the rest of my life with you if I can. But I know that you're slower with things than I am. I didn't know where you were at and didn't want to freak you out. I didn't want to talk about it if you weren't ready because we live together and if it didn't go well -." Bakugo interupted him.

"I don't think we're ready for it yet but, today got me thinking and I just wanted to know where you were at. All I do know is that after the scare a few months ago, I can't live without you. That doesn't mean we have to get married, but if that's the decision we make then I'm on board with that.  Now let's go to sleep."  Kirishima sat there for a second speechless as his boyfriend moved to go to sleep. The red head processed what was just said as he moved to lay down.

"Katsuki? I understand if you don't want to talk about it anymore tonight, but can we talk about it another time? I think it's something we should talk about more." He asked quietly as he laid down. Bakugo grunted in acceptance and a smile split across his face. He laid in bed and looked over at his boyfriend. Moonlight filtered in through the window and fell gently across the blonde's peaceful face.  Kirishima stared and appreciated the features of his gorgeous boyfriend. He loved how serene he looked when he was sleeping.

"Go to sleep and stop staring, dumbass." Bakugo grumbled out, not opening his eyes.

"But I'm so happy and you're so cute." Kirishima said, yawning. He could feel the sleep starting to pull him under. He blinked a few times, his eyes getting heavier. Even with his mind racing from their conversation, he started drifting.

As Bakugo felt Kiri relaxing into sleep, he cracked open one of his eyes, taking in the sight of his boyfriend.  A little drool was already starting to drip from his mouth. "Tch. I'm happy too, Ei." Bakugo grinned, leaning over to kiss his cute boyfriend on the forehead. The red-head's mouth moved to grin a little, as the blonde settled back and they both fell asleep.

~~3 months and 2 weeks later~~

"Are you serious?!" Mina squealed over the phone.

"Yes, Pinky.  But can you keep your voice down, he's in the next room, and if you keep squealing like that, he's going to hear you." Bakugo grumbled, slightly regretting his choice in confidant, but knew he really didn't have another option he felt comfortable going to.

In the last few months, Kiri and Bakugo had quite a few conversations about marriage. They both agreed that's what they wanted, but couldn't agree on a timeline that worked for both of them. Eventually, Kirishima said, whenever Bakugo was ready, all he had to do was ask, and Kiri would say yes. That was only two weeks ago, but Kirishima had gone out of town with FatGum and Tamaki for a mission and the entire 3 days he was gone, the blonde was worried out of his mind. And even though Kiri had called at least twice a day, Bakugo couldn't help reliving what happened all those months ago. He had decided that he didn't really want to wait anymore and that he needed to ask him already. So he went to work planning some sort of proposal to let Kiri know he was really serious. As he was planning, nothing felt right, so he called the one person who knew Kirishima almost as well as he did. 

"Sorry! I just can't believe it! I thought it would take you guys way longer to get to this point. I am really happy for you! Why are you calling me though?" Mina asked.

"I need your help to plan how to do it. Nothing feels right. They are either too cutesy, too cheesy, or just not... Kirishima enough." Bakugo groaned. He really hated that he was going through all this effort. A year ago, he would have laughed in your face if you told him where he was right now. But Kirishima deserved this.

"Okay, well I do have one idea..." Mina said, and launched into her proposal idea.

~~The Next Night~~

"Are you ready?" Bakugo asked, nervously tapping his foot as he stood by the door.   Kirishima came around the corner and grinned.

"Yep!" He said grinning, making Bakugo have to catch his breath. What he was wearing was really nothing out of the ordinary, and his hair was styled like it was everyday, a small ponytail in the back since he's been growing out his hair, but the sight of his smile lighting up his face still took Katsuki's breath away. He quickly recentered himself, trying not to give away the entire reason for this date night.

"Then let's go." Bakugo grumbled, heading out the door.  As he walked out, Kiri hurried to his side and grabbed his hand, his grin still on his face. They headed downtown and  to a movie theater.

"Two tickets for Locked Down." Bakugo said paying for the tickets.

"But babe, that's a horror movie." Kirishima said in surprise.

"I know." Bakugo grumbled, pulling Kiri into the theater, a scowl on his face.

"You hate horror movies." Kirishima said confusion still in his voice.

"I do." Bakugo said, a little gruffer than he intended, his nerves getting to him.

"Then why-"

"Because I know you like them." Bakugo said sighing heavily and sitting in their seats as Kiri grinned. They had almost the entire theater to themselves, which put Bakugo a little more at ease since that's less of an audience to see him jump at the movie. As soon as Kirishima sat down, he grabbed his boyfriend's hand, squeezing it.

"You're the best."  Kiri said kissing his boyfriend's cheek and settling back as the theater darkened.

Bakugo managed to make it through the movie without jumping but he did squeeze the red-head's hand a few times. He still hated these stupid movies. They exited the theater still holding hands and Bakugo lead them through the streets and stopped. Kirishima looked around.

"Why are we outside of UA?" He said his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Well its technically our 1 year anniversary, so I kind of recreated our first date." Bakugo mumbled.

"Kat, that's so awesome!" Kiri said kissing the other, and grinning widely.

"Well, I love you and wanted to do something special. You deserve it and are so awesome." Bakugo paused to take a breath before continuing.

"Babe, you're just as awesome. You are incredible and I can't believe our one year slipped my mind. I guess I didn't realize because it had gone so fast. This has just been so great and I love you so much. I can't imagine where I would be if we weren't together. You-"

"Will you stop talking for five fucking seconds?  I'm trying to ask you something." Bakugo said, pushing his fingers gently up to Kiris lips. "You stole my entire build up, so I'm just going to ask. Kirishima Eijiro, every day with you is better than the last, will you marry me so we can keep making our days better?" Kiri blinked a few times, his eyes widening a little bit, before his face split into one of the biggest smiles Bakugo had seen him have.

"Katsuki, I would love nothing more."  He said before pulling the blonde into a deep kiss.  "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Shitty Hair."

A/N- Thank you guys for all the support. I'm sorry for the shorter chapter but im really looking forward to publishing the Epilogue. It actually has inspired another story so there may be like a three or four chapter sequel. As always please let me know what you think!! ❤❤

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