Chapter 4: Baby, It's Cold Outside

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A/N - Sorry for the cheesy chapter title. I've been informed by my friend lately that the story is a little cheesy, and since I don't mind a little cheese, I leaned into it 😂😂  Anyways, please enjoy.

Chapter 4: Baby, It's Cold Outside

Kiri, after dodging his friends with a few lame excuses he was sure they could see through, made his way to meet Bakugo. The red-head was a little uneasy going to meet his maybe boyfriend. Although the blonde had said that if they had to put a label on it, they were dating but Kiri didn't want Bakugo to feel like he had to put a label on anything.   

He approached the big cherry trees and paused.  Casually leaning under a street light, the blonde boy exhaled, a puff of steam coming from his mouth in the cold air. Snow had started falling again and between the light and the snow, Kirishima thought Bakugo looked like he stepped right out of a modeling shot. As the red-head stood and stared, Bakugo realized he was there and pushed himself forward.  He trudged over to Kiri and stopped in front of him, frowning slightly.

"I'm sorry for storming off like that." He mumbled, still trying to get used to this communication thing. He knew that if he wanted to have a strong relationship with this boy in front of him, he had to try and let his guard down at least a little at first. "I just want to keep you to myself for awhile and I knew those idiots would ruin it. They still might, tch." He grumbled the last bit, and looked away from Kirishima with a blush starting to creep across his cheek.

Kirishima grinned widely and quickly grabbed Bakugo's hand to reassure him. "I'm not upset, honestly it was my fault they know at all. I should be apologizing to you."  With his other hand, Kiri reached behind his head and rubbed it awkwardly as he apologized.

"Tch." Bakugo clicked turning his head away from the red-head.

"So what should we do now?  We still haven't eaten." Kiri chuckled. Bakugo shrugged. "Well we could head back to the dorm and make something quick, or we could go back into town-"

"No, lets head back to the dorm. It's closer.  My hands are so cold that I couldn't activate my quirk." Bakugo complained grumpily.  Kiri chuckled and nodded, leading the popsicle boy back to the school. As they walked, Kiri enjoyed the snow falling and got the urge to catch snowflakes. He stuck his tongue out catching a few flurries and started to laugh quietly in amusement. Before he knew what was happening, Bakugo pulled Kiri towards him, their lips meeting. It was over faster than Kirishima would have liked but he blinked and looked at the blonde. That's twice in one night that he kissed him out of the blue.

"What was that for?" As Kiri asked, the blonde blushed and looked away. Bakugo mumbled even quieter than usual but Kirishima swore he said, you were just too fucking cute. At that, Kiri blushed himself and grinned. "Well, lets get you inside." The boys walked the last little bit in silence, making sure to release hands as they approached the dorm. They shed their winter clothes and headed into the kitchen.

Iida, Momo and Tokoyami were there, looking dismayed at the mess on the stove.

"What did you do?" Bakugo grumbled, looking at the mess with disgust.  

"We tried to make a nice dinner for our classmates who were here and somehow we missed a step in the recipe."  Iida said in his matter of fact way. "We will clean up and start again."

"I'll make it. Go away." Bakugo said gruffly.  Momo and Tokoyami both looked relieved and quickly left for the common area. Iida hesitated about to insist he clean up and help make dinner, but with a look from Kirishima that said it was okay, the class rep nodded and left the room. Kiri stood there awkwardly for a moment before he approached Bakugo, knowing it could be dangerous. The blonde was very picky about the kitchen and didn't like being interrupted while cooking.

"Can I help clean up?" Kirishima asked cautiously.  Bakugo looked at him and nodded, handing him the pots, pans and utensils the group before them.  Kirishima tried to identify what they had made but struggled to figure it out. He made quick work washing what was handed to him, while Bakugo cleaned up the mess around him. Kiri hummed to himself while he worked, listening to the boy work behind him. A delicious smell started to fill the room as Kiri was wrapping up. He turned and watched this blonde, hot-headed guy work diligently and obliviously. 

Half an hour later, Bakugo asked Kiri to let people know that dinner was ready. He nodded and collected those who were there and they all shuffled to the kitchen where Bakugo stood with the dinner spread out.

"I made ramen, but its not as good as I normally would have made it, considering what I was working with." He shot a look at the three embarrassed classmates. Everyone stood still, not sure what they were waiting for, so Kiri shrugged and grabbed his bowl filling it with the food in front of him. Slowly the rest of the group started to fill their bowls as well. Kirishima sat at the farthest table at the end.  He hoped no one would sit near him, so that he and Bakugo could continue their evening together. A few minutes later the dining area was still relatively empty as most students took their food to either study or pack up their rooms. Bakugo took a seat across from Kiri and the red-head smiled at him. They ate in silence for a few minutes before Kirishima spoke up.

"Can you teach me how to cook sometime?  I've always wanted to learn and watching you cook was really interesting, and adorable. Plus then we could cook together and that would be cool."  Kiri rambled quickly. Bakugo paused and looked at the boy across from him.

"I guess we could do that, but you're going to have to listen to everything I say. It will also need to be after finals, you need all your brain power for that." The blonde smirked a little after his teasing comment.  Kirishima nodded and looked forward to it.

They finished their food and Bakugo groaned. It was almost 9 now and frankly later than he wanted to be awake.

"I really do need to go to bed now." Bakugo said pushing his chair back. Kirishima nodded and followed him back to the kitchen with his bowl. They both washed their bowls. The ramen had already been put away by Iida as repayment for cleaning up his mess.

They made their way to their rooms, they happened to be on the same floor again. When they got to Bakugo's door, he headed straight for the door without a word, Kirishima's heart falling just a little but he continued on to his room.  Just as he reached for the door knob, he heard a throat being cleared behind him.

"Oi Shitty Hair, I had fun tonight."  Bakugo looked away as he said it and then stood there a little awkwardly.  Kiri grinned and looked both ways down the hall before planting a gentle kiss on the boys lips.

"Me too."

"OK then. Well tomorrow we are studying.  I'm not going to be caught dead with a hero course failure." Bakugo grumbled while turning on his heel and heading for his room. Kirishima grinned knowing that studying would go like the many times they studied before, but he would get to spend time with the blonde haired boy.

A/N-  Hello again!  I hope you are enjoying it so far. I still have plans for this one and am really enjoying where it's going. Please let me know what you think!

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