Chapter 1: Its Now or Never

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A/N so first off hi!  Second, so this is my first fanfic.  I love the bakushima(this is what I called them right of the bat before I learned that most people call it bakukiri or kiribaku and i tend to prefer it.) ship so much so I decided to write this. I made it right before graduation to start with but there might be a time skip after, we will see. Anyway you're not here to read my rambling thoughts, so here goes nothing.

Chapter 1

Kirishima stared at the sky, as he sat at his desk in his room. He didn't get much time like this anymore when he could sit and appreciate the outdoors. As he watched snow fall to the ground, he couldn't help but wish Bakugo was there. Having him there wouldn't really change much, other than hearing him grumble occasionally or maybe having little conversations, but Kiri just liked having him around. Ever since their first year here at UA, Kiri appreciated just being around Bakugo, even when Bakugo was mad and almost uncontrollable.  Kiri just admired his passion. He knew that he was in love with this hot-headed blonde boy for awhile but since he had no idea how his explosive friend would react, he has kept it to himself.

I should just tell him the red-head thought. There is only a week till graduation and after that who knows how long it will be before we see each other. I mean sure we are friends but really we will both be pursuing our hero careers and I know Bakugo will put that above all else.  If I don't tell him now, will I ever tell him.  Plus if he decides he doesn't feel the same, we will have space to both come to grips with what the other said. I guess it's now or never.

Kirishima stood up and headed downstairs. He was glad that for the most part their class has moved through the grades together. Other than Mineta finally being expelled after multiple sexual assault (nothing more serious than groping) and harassment claims were made against him, and Shinsou, from the general studies class, taking his place, everyone was still together. After Mineta got expelled, he came by once, with the permission of Principal Nezu and the supervison of Aizawa, and apologized to all the girls. Kaminari said he was able to get into a different hero school and is trying to be a good hero.

Today was a day off for the students, since graduation was just around the corner and they had their different finals coming up they were given the day off to study, train or just take care of themselves. There was bittersweet excitement in the air. Everyone in class was excited at the next chapter but at the same time sad to be leaving the classmates they have come to know and love.  Kirishima wandered through the common area knowing Bakugo wasn't there.  He was training, pushing himself to make sure he'd pass at the top, or at least close to it. He'd never give up his dream of being number one but knowing the power that Midoriya had made that task a little more daunting. He'd begrudingly settle for second if he couldn't place number one.

Kiri passed by Izuku and Shoto sitting on the couch, looking all sappy.  Ever since Midoriya fell asleep in the common room a year ago, and sleep confessed his feelings for Todoroki, they've been all over each other. A slight flash of jealousy flared up as he walked past, hands in his pockets. Kamanari was sitting near Shinsou but he still hadn't made his move yet and he had told Kirishima he didn't want to be too obvious because he was scared he might spook the guy.  Kiri shook his head. Man up already. He shoved his feet into his boots by the door after putting on his jacket and scarf.

Kirishima pushed through the front doors and paused after being hit with the cold air. He pushed forward and headed to the training building. He still had no idea what to say or even how to approach the subject.  He was nervous about how Katsuki was going to take it but he knew it was a risk he had to take. He reached the facility and could her Bakugos explosions before even opening the door. Kiri smiled and walked inside. The explosions came to a stop at the door opening.

"Oi!  Shitty hair," the nickname that was once given out of lack of effort was more of an affectionate thing now, as affectionate as Bakugo was willing to be that is. "You come to train or just to watch?"  He flashed the grin he saved just for when he was teasing Kirishima.

Kirishima hesitated and again thought Its now or never.  "I actually came to talk, if you got a second."

Bakugo's brow furrowed and he huffed a little. Kirishima knew that it wasn't because of the request itself but because it interrupted his training.  He knew that it wasn't the best time to talk to him but they were the only ones in the building and when they went back to the dorm, the rest of the class would be watching.

Bakugo walked towards the benches lining the walls and sat on the bench closest to Kirishima and gestured him over.   Kiri took a deep breath and sat next to him.

"Alright, what's up?" Bakugo sighed.  "You've been acting weird, looking sad or lost, not being your usual grinning idiot self."  Katsuki half-heartedly rolled his eyes, more concerned for his friend than he'd like to let on. Kirishima took a second looking for words.

"Graduation is a week from now, and I need to say something before we go separate ways. You mean a lot to me and I don't want to lose your friendship. You're the manliest guy I know and you push me to be that much more manly-"

"Kirishima, spit it out!" Bakugo said, a little rougher than he meant to but he was tired of waiting for him to make his point, knowing he was rambling out of nervousness.

"I like you.  Romantically, I mean. I have since our first year here and I just didn't know how to tell you."  Kiri looked at Bakugo and was immediately concerned. He'd never seen this expression on the blonde's face. It was such an odd combination of emotions. "...Bakugo?" Kiri asked slowly.  Bakugo looked at Kirishima and instantly the red-head tensed, bracing himself for his answer.

"Eijiro, I-"  As he was about to reply, the door to the facility opened and a group of second years walked in. Bakugo abruptly stood up. "I have to shower, I'll see you back at the dorms."  Kirishima nodded slightly and started the walk back.

Alrighty guys that's chapter one. I'm hoping to get chapter two up in the next two days but we will see. Please let me know what you think.  Thank you!!😊😊

Honesty: a Bakukiri fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें