'Absolutely,' said Jack. 'Where shall we go?'

'Essential was good last year. How about we go there?' suggested Ali.

'Okay,' said Jack.

Jack liked Essential. It wasnt a place he went often, but when he did, he always had a great night. It was the kind of place you danced shirtless in a crowd of sweaty shirtless men. There was often lots of touching and rubbing up against total strangers on the dancefloor. It sounded like the perfect way to end the day.

They looked at Milo, Max and Kai.

'Okay, sure,' said Max. They hadn't really been to all that many clubs, so they were happy to take Ali and Jack's lead.

Jack smiled. He knew that Milo and Max would love it in there.


Sam didn't go to Tramps. It was the place where he'd met Milo for the first time. He wasn't ready to go back there and he certainly didn't want to see him again. He knew that Milo was a regular there now. He'd probably be there with his new boyfriend.

He couldn't go to Kikibar. He still wasn't welcome there after poaching their most popular dancer. He certainly didn't want to go to The Eagle. He doubted he'd ever be ready to see Stuart again after what he'd done. A shame really as that was the place you went to pick up supplies for a nightout. Sam didn't do stuff like that often, especially since becoming a father. But it was Pride weekend. He felt like he deserved a treat. So he went to Basement Bar instead. He knew a few dealers still hung out there.

He hoped he'd see someone he knew, but it was all tourists, people visiting Soho just for Pride. He knew all his friends would be at Tramps. That's where Ocean would be, but he knew that Ocean was meeting Jack, and wherever Jack was, Milo was too.

He sat on his own in the corner, drinking beer after beer. After about an hour he was drunk, but also extremely bored. He needed to get out of there. He considered his options. Where could he go? His first thought was to go to Essential. That always had the best after parties at Pride weekend. Plus if he wanted to pick someone up, that would be the place to go.

He stumbled out into the streets. They were so busy. Not that Soho was quiet any weekend, but this was crazy. As he got to the club, he saw the queue going right round the corner. He lit a cigarette and waited to get in.


As the club got busier, Oscar and Marc hit the dancefloor. It was the usual sweaty moshpit it always was, but even busier than usual. All that could be seen was a sea of shirtless men.

Oscar and Marc danced pressed up against each other. Their faces were so close that Oscar could feel Marc's hot breath against his face. Their hands were all over each other, not appropriate behaviour for anywhere in public othe than Essential. There was an amazing chemistry between them and he couldn't help but think that if it was this good on the dancefloor, then what would it be like when they got back to his hotel room?

'I need the bathroom,' said Oscar, pulling himself away from a kiss. He'd needed to go for the last ten minutes, but didn't want to tear himself away.

'Okay,' said Marc. 'I'll be right here '

Oscar's head was in a spin. Things had happened so quickly with Marc. It looked likely that they'd be going home together, which excited Oscar. It was clear from what he'd seen already that Marc had been around a bit. He obviously wasn't the commitment type, but that didn't bother Oscar. He was only here for a few days, so it was unlikely anything further would happen between them after the weekend was over.

As horny as Oscar was, there was something very different about the way he felt for Marc than the way he had Tom last year. He had seen Tom as the first great love of his life, even if that was only for a moment in time. He liked Marc. He was attracted to him, but his heart didn't beat faster when he was around him. He knew that Marc would not go on to be the second great love of his life. They'd probably spend the night together, then that would be it. Anything else he assumed would be too much of a commitment for Marc.

He went into a cubicle, shut the door and sat down. He needed a few minutes to catch up with all the madness of the night.

Marc wasn't alone on the dancefloor long. He saw a face he recognised. It was a muscular guy in his mid-twenties, dancing with his shirt off. They'd met each other a few weeks ago, made out on the dancefloor, then somehow lost each other half way through the night.

Their eyes met. It was clear that the guy remembered Marc too. Marc smiled and the guy came over. There was no small talk. The guy pressed his body against Marc's and kissed him, picking up where they'd left off the time before.

Marc could feel the guy's semi pressing into his thigh. It was huge. He knew that as much as he'd wanted to take Oscar home, he wanted this guy even more.

'I lost you the last time we met,' said the guy.

'I know. I don't know what happened.'

'You coming back with me tonight?'


'You ready to go now?'

Marc saw over the guy's shoulder that Oscar was coming back. He was torn. He wanted both of them.

'I'm here with a friend,' said Marc. 'You into threesomes?'

The guy shook his head. 'No, not my thing. I don't want to share you with anyone.'

'All right. Wait here. I'll just go say goodbye to my friend.'

Marc walked over to Oscar and met him halfway across the dancefloor.

'Hey,' said Oscar.

Marc took Oscar by the hand and led him away. 'Come with me,' he said and dragged him to the bathroom. Once in the cubicle, Marc got down on his knees and started unbuttoning the front of Oscar's jeans. He'd been picturing what Oscar's cock looked like all night and didn't want to miss the chance.

It had been so long since anything like this had happened to him, so Oscar didn't resist. He really wanted it to happen.

In one move, Marc pulled Oscar's jeans and boxer shorts down to the floor. Oscar's cock eagerly bounced out and Marc wasted no time in getting to work on it with his mouth. It was just as beautiful as he'd imagined.

It didn't take long before Oscar exploded in his mouth.

Marc stood up and Oscar pulled his jeans and underwear back up.

'That was amazing,' he said.

'I enjoyed it too,' said Marc. They kissed.

'Want to go out and dance again?' Oscar said.

'I'm going to go now actually,' said Marc.


'But it was really nice meeting you.'

Marc opened the door and left, leaving Oscar confused at to what had just happened. He followed behind Marc and watched as he linked hands with another guy and left the club with him.

He ordered a drink, then went to sit down. As much as he'd enjoyed what just happened with Marc, he'd hoped to carry it on in his hotel room. He knew Marc wasn't the commitment type, but he'd hoped he'd at least commit to one night together.

Maybe it was a good thing. Marc wasn't the one he was meant to be with. He just wished he could see...


Could it be? Was that Tom really standing in front of him. He said his name again. 'Tom, is that you?'

Author's Note

Hope you're enjoying the story. If you are, I'd live you to like the chapter or drop me a comment.

Stay safe x

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