twenty seven : what's in my bag ?

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"Ready to go?"

You nod & smile at Jackson as he intertwines his fingers with yours. Your head falls onto his shoulder as you walk to the local record shop. He had rang you the day before, knowing your love for records, & suggested the idea of a date buying each other LPs. You thought it was a perfect idea.

When you arrive, you read the letters above the entrance: Amoeba Music. The neon sign glistens in the afternoon sunlight. Squeezing your hand, Jackson leads you inside, enhancing the excitement swirling in your stomach.

After twenty minutes, you & Jackson are still mesmerised by the hundreds of records surrounding you. The infinite aisles create a maze of music you love to get lost in.

Passing the rock genre section, your eyes catch a selection of albums. You read the artist card above the pile & smile to yourself, enlightening a memory in your mind.


You roll your eyes at the music blaring from the gym speakers. It was prom & the school gym was decorated from the ceiling to the floor with blue fabric for 'school pride'.

The colourful spotlights blind you & dancing figures sing & squeal with excitement. As you gaze across the crowd, you catch a glimpse of you recent ex-boyfriend Brody & the hot college student he decided to bring instead of you.

Your chest fills with heat & unaware whether it is because of jealousy or anger, you start striding off towards the exit. Suddenly, a hand grabs your wrist and pulls you to the wall.

"Woahhh, where you going Y/N?"

"Home, Lemasters." You stare at your best friend, Braeden, frustrated with his actions.

"We only just got here," he leans forward towards you, "anyways, I'm not going to let you sit at home watching chick flicks-"


"-by yourself all night." He looks away for a moment, "I care about you too much."

You both search each other's eyes until the song comes to an abrupt stop.

"As well as, you know, you're leaving for New York soon & then you're gonna be a big director in Hollywood." Braeden punches your shoulder playfully, "This may be one of my last chances to see you before you go."

You pout your lips mockingly, "Aww, Brae. Are you getting sentimental?"

"What? No! Come on, let's go dance."

He locks his hand with yours & drags you to the dance floor, hiding amongst the bodies. Braeden is a terrible dancer & accompanied with the dreadful music, you are almost in hysterics already.

"My rhythm is only off because of this..." He scoffs, "...pop music."

You chuckle at his comment. At least you weren't the only one in disapproval of the playlist everyone seems to be obsessing over.

An idea popping into his head, Braeden abandons you once again & walks up to the DJ. After whispering in his ear, he comes back over to you, a smug smile planted on his face.

"What mischief have you caused, Lemasters?" You ask, eyeing him up & down.

Braeden takes your hand & pulls you closer to him, "Nothing you should be concerned with, Y/L/N."

You dance closely against his chest until the modern beat is replaced by a familiar guitar strum that pleasantly rings in your ears. You pull away from him & look up to see a grin of pride on Braeden's face.

down in hollywood // braeden lemasters Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz