twelve : movie theatre

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The gleam of the afternoon sun seems to glow down on the two of you like a spotlight, highlighting the beaming connection of your pure joy. Sharing each other's unknown memories from your independent lives, you can't help but feel contempt with his company & he feels the same way. The empty abyss in your life that you assumed was due to your insecurities of your lack of fulfilment seems to be gradually closing.

Strangers pass you on the surprisingly busy street, yours & Braeden's laughter filling their empty ears. The two of you stand out beside the environment around you, its contrasting silence doesn't seem to faze either of you as it seems as though you have returned to your private and secluded world.

"Isn't it crazy how we found each other again?" Braeden curiously wonders.

"Don't start with that nonsense." You shake your head at him, "You really haven't changed have you?"

"Unfortunately, neither has your stubbornness." He smirks & looks at you using his side eye glance, "Everything happens for a reason."

You roll your eyes at his comment; he has always believed in these things, using it as a coping mechanism when things don't go his way, leaving you to be the serious skeptic best friend. As you move your head to exaggerate your reaction, your eyes fall onto an old movie theatre in front of you. You stop in your tracks to take in the view.

Facing the road, a dark brick building stands there. Its overlooking windows tired with watching the Los Angeles area develop around the never adapting artefact. Ripped film posters hang against the pillars, sheltered by an outstretched roof. Large letters on the lit sign beam confidently to the surroundings & you as you read the title of a film in front of you, you smile.


The film you used to quote to one another. The video tapes of it getting worn out due to the amount of times you watched it. The film you wrote so many melodies to, hoping to find the song that fits perfectly to the art museum scene. Your film.

He takes three steps in front of you, elevating his chin to follow your gaze. Using your provisional vision, you watch Braeden's dark hair be altered by the warm, summer breeze, the short waves drifting out of place. Suddenly, he grabs your wrist, pulling you towards the ticket box.

"Two tickets for ferris, please!" Braeden smiles, sliding a $10 note through the small gap at the counter.

While the employee gathers the tickets & change together, Braeden starts impatiently tapping his hands on the counter, creating a playful beat as he nods his head along. He looks behind his shoulder at you, raising his eyebrows as he continues his drum solo. When he looks away, you notice him biting down on his bottom lip, a habit you remember him doing to try to hide his nervousness. What could he possibly be nervous about?

Your thought is erased as Braeden taps the two tickets on your nose & smiles at your startled expression. "Ready to go in?"

"Of course, lead the way." You follow him inside, showing your appreciation when he buys you both a Coke with two straws & a bag of popcorn to share.

Butterflies dance in your stomach as you sit on the red fabric seats, realising how long it's been since you have been to a movie theatre, let alone one of your favourite films. 'Probably not in four years' you sarcastically remark in your head.

The darkness around you is defeated as light pours in from the screen in front of you. You press your lips together to silence your squeal of excitement.

As the first scene starts playing, you feel Braeden's body shift closer to you, "You know, if it wasn't for the universe, i would probably be watching this all by myself, thinking of you."

Heat rises to your cheeks & you're relieved that it isn't bright enough for Braeden to see. You lean into the arm rest between you & whisper, "Good thing I'm here physically to not distract you from John Hughes' masterpiece."

Although your eyes are fixed to Matthew Broderick's face, you feel him smile at your response & you hear him mutter something you don't think he wanted you to hear.

"You're distracting me now..."

Throughout the film, you & Braeden have stayed silent, apart from chuckles & nostalgic comments like "Remember when we spent the whole day only quoting jeanie?" & "You think we could've gotten away with acting sick if we didn't start describing Alien?"

Then, one of your favourite scenes started playing: the art museum. You stare mesmerised at the cinematography & are endeared with The Dream Academy playing through the speakers.

"You know," you turn to head to see Braeden still staring at the screen, "I wrote Pictures of Girls while playing this scene on repeat in the background. I tried to achieve what we never could; fitting one of our own songs over it."

"I can honestly say you succeeded," you watch the film reflect onto his auburn eyes, "it may explain why i had such an influence over that song."

He moves his head to face yours, staring into your eyes as you both linger for what seems like a moment too long.

"Trust me, Y/N, even when we're apart, you influence everything."

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