Chapter 29

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Candace's POV

"I should hurt his ass!" Donald snapped while he was driving us home.

"Donald calm down he's just a scared little punk I'm pretty sure he's gonna leave me alone now." I explained while holding his hand.

"And if he don't stop bothering you?" Donald asked while taking his eyes off the road for a second.

"Then I'll let the police know." I answered back.

He shook his head while driving.

"I just want you to be safe and away from him." Donald confessed while kissing the back of my hand.

I smiled. "Don't worry I will be safe and he's not gonna try anything."

"Okay." He mumbled before stopping in front of his house.

"Are you coming inside?" I questioned.

"No , I have some work to finish back at the studio." He answered back.

I nodded my head before opening the door and getting ready to get out the car.

He gently grabbed my wrist.

"Where's my kiss?" He said puckering up his lips.

I giggled at his silly face before kissing him and getting out of his car.

I sent him a wave before walking to the door.

When I got to the door , I opened it safely , and then I went inside.

The house was very quiet and there was no lights on.

I turned some lights on and then headed upstairs to the bedroom where I sat my bag down on the ground and went to start the shower.

Once I stared the shower I got undressed and got in letting the hot water fall gracefully down my skin.

As I was washing up I felt a breeze come from behind me.

I turned around and screamed when I seen Kameron behind me naked.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I screamed pushing Kameron away from me.

He had a smirk on his face as he covered my mouth with his huge hand.

"I came to take what's mine." He said pulling my naked body towards him.

I tried to get away but there was no escape.


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