Chapter 14

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Candace's POV
"It has been three weeks and he still haven't called!" I whined to my bestfriend Malia.
"Girl calm down you said he was into music and stuff right?" Malia asked messing with her blonde curly hair.
We had just gotten back from our acting classes and we were now chilling at her house.
"Yeah." I said slipping my black hair into a ponytail and sitting on her bed.
"Well maybe he's busy making music or something." Malia said.
I nodded. Maybe she's right. He's too busy making music so that's why he can't make a phone call. 😒
"You know what. Maybe I should keep you busy too. How about we go out to a club tonight?" She said jumping up from the bed.
"I don't want to go to a club tonight. I'm not in the mood." I said.
Unlike me, Malia is a party animal. She loves to party.
"Come on! You have to keep your mind off of him doing something." She said setting outfits on her bed.
"Nope." I said popping the p.
"Pleaseeeeee." Malia begged sticking out her bottom lip and batting her beautiful long eyelashes.
I knew she wasn't gonna stop bothering me.
"Okay , okay fine I'll go." I said getting up from the bed.
"Yay! Put this on." Malia said throwing me a outfit.
After taking a shower and doing all that other good stuff I put on my outfit and was almost ready to leave.
"Malia come on!" I shouted from her bedroom.
I heard her groan.
She hated when I rushed her. I'm a very impatient person.
"Beauty takes time." She said.
I heard her shuffling inside the bathroom before she opened the door.
I gasped.
She looked drop dead gorgeous!
"I'm guessing you like it?" She asked.
I nodded. "You look great girl."
"Thank you. Now let's go." She said grabbing her clutch and walking behind me towards the stairs.
Just like me Malia owned her own house.
In just a couple of seconds we were out the door and heading to the club.
"How much to get in?" Malia asked the bouncer at the door.
" 15 dollars each." He puffed out.
He was huge and probably weighted a ton.
We were annoyed that we had to stand in the line for half an hour.
I reached for my purse to pay my half when Malia smacked my hand.
"I got you girl." She said handing the bouncer all the money.
He nodded and let us through the big steal door.
When we finally made it inside we were greeted with loud music.
Malia must have liked the song because she started swaying to the music.
"Let's dance girl!" She said walking me towards the dance floor.
It was pretty dark so I had to grab onto her hand to follow her.
Once we made it to the dance floor we started dancing to the music.
When we were dancing I just so happened to look up on stage to see Donald rapping.
"Oh no. He's here." I whispered in Malia's ear.
"Who?" She whispered back.
"Donald Glover."
Candace in MM
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