Chapter 17

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Candace's POV
"So what does this mean?" I questioned Donald as he laid on my bed.

"I guess it means we're together." He replied putting his hands behind his head and laying on them.

"No. You have to take me on a date first and do all that other fancy stuff." I said sitting on the other side of the bed.

"Okay sure how about tomorrow around eight." He replied grabbing my hand.

I smiled. "Sounds like a plan!" I shouted excitedly.

"Sounds like someone is a little to happy to be going on a date with me." He chuckled.

I blushed. "Sorry it's just that I've always wanted to go on a proper date." I explained to him.

"Wait you haven't been on a date before?" He asked.

"Of course I've been on a date before but they were all horrible and such a mess." I said.

He nodded his head. "I understand."

I laid down next to him so he could wrap his arm around me.

"Are you staying here tonight?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I'm pretty tired." He mumbled before drifting off to a deep sleep.

I giggled and soon I fell asleep comfortably in his arms.


"Good morning." He said once he saw me walk downstairs in the kitchen.

"Good morning." I replied fully dressed while carrying my bag.

"Are you leaving?" He asked me.

I nodded my head. "Yeah I have a class today." I replied snatching a apple and biting into it.

"Okay." He said digging into his full plate of food.

"I'll see you later. Make sure to lock the door when you leave , okay?" I asked him.

"Hmm" he said while chewing on a piece of bacon.

I blew him a kiss before walking out the house.

"Okay class today we will be putting your acting skills to the test." Mrs. Union said.

It was 20 minutes into class and I was bored out of my life but I started to pay attention more when she said something about our acting skills.

"I want each of you to pick a partner , pick a scene from out of the book , rehearse it a little , and then be ready to show us what you got right here on stage." She explained.

I was excited because this is our first time acting in front of the class.

I already knew what scene I wanted to do from the book. When Tameka got into a argument with Tammy.

I looked down at Malia to see her staring at some boy with a smile on her face.

I know she is not gonna diss me for some boy.

"Okay class choose your partners." Mrs. Union said.

Everybody got up and scrambled to find their partners while I just sat and watched them.

Malia did diss me to be partners with him. 😒

I rolled my eyes and look around for someone who didn't have a partner.

I turned and saw Kameron sitting all alone in the corner of the room.

Kameron is a loner and barely talked to anyone but he will have to do.

I got up from my seat and walked over to him.

"Hey Kameron." I said standing in front of his desk.

He looked up at me. "Hi." He mumbled.

Kameron was an okay looking guy. He's tall , dresses horribly , but he's kind of cute.

"Do you want to be my partner?" I questioned him.

For a second I thought I seen a smile on his face. "Sure!" He answered a little too excited.

I smiled.

"Do you have a scene from in the book?" I asked sitting beside him.

"Yeah. How about the scene where Tony found out that Tameka was pregnant?" He asked.

That was my favorite part.

"That's one of my favorite parts in the whole play." I explained.

"Mine too!" He shouted excitedly.

"Let's go over our lines." I replied back.

I was about to open my book when I received a text on my phone.

Donald - I can't wait to see you tonight for our date.

Me - I can't wait to see you either.

I smiled while tucking my phone away.

Hopefully this date goes well.

Mrs. Union in MM

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