I: ANDERS - shit just got real

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"This is the fucking party of the year!"

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"This is the fucking party of the year!"

Conrad, one of my closest friends, laughed from the bow of the yacht, making the people around him cheer in agreement.

I knew I made the right decision to throw a party here. I had to convince my mom that I'd behave, but the final decision came down to my grandfather.

And we all knew I was his favorite.

"Hell yeah!" Gavin roared from beside me.

"I thought you wouldn't make it," I said, swirling my glass of liquor as I leaned back on my chair.

"It's the fourth of July."

"Yes," Aurora piped in, "and it wasn't even a week ago when you sneaked out your father's jet so we could fly to Amalfi."

She giggled in that delicate little way of hers before sipping her champagne, with her golden blonde hair looking like a halo in the night. Aurora reminded me of those actresses back in the fifties, elegant and pristine.

She hated the comparison, but she never disagreed.

Gavin sighed. "I wish we never left."

I chuckled and looked at him.

He used to have a wild afro when we were kids. Now, he kept it buzzed short and neat. He had that bad boy look going for him, which was funny because the reckless one in our group was Conrad.

Gavin was as well-mannered as a church boy – who swore occasionally.

"What did they threaten you with this time?" I asked.

"Boarding school in Scotland."

Classic. "They'll never pull you out from Sky," I assured him.

"Mate, that's your mother." He chuckled. "Generations of your family went there. It's practically a rite of passage."

Yeah, that was exactly why my mom's threats about sending me off to a different school away from my 'misguided' friends didn't work on me.

"Hi, Anders."

A cute brunette with bouncy curls came up to our little private deck. I recognized her, she was in our year. I guessed it was Conrad who invited her. He invited most of the people here tonight.

Aurora had the faintest of snorts, but I ignored her.

I smiled at the newcomer. "Hey..."

Shit, what's her name?

"Charlotte," Gavin whispered.

"Charlotte," I finished.

"Nice yacht," she remarked, taking a step towards me.

I chuckled. "Thanks, I'll be sure to tell my grandfather that."

I doubted I'd remember, though. Small talks like these weren't worth a spot in my mind. Besides, my grandfather didn't care whether people liked his yacht or not. To him, what mattered was that he liked it.

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