·˚✎ ﹏ c. 005

Start from the beginning

Tendō muttered something that sounded like an agreement, hanging up the phone and running back onto the court, much to Semi's chagrin. After Katana had hung up, she put her phone down on her bedside table and fell gracefully onto her bed, closing her eyes to rest.

A lot had happened since summer break. From her patellar tendonitis injury to going to see a physical therapist for rehab, to breaking up with him, Katana's third year of junior high had probably been one of the most hectic years ever, especially her summer. And when school started back up again, she couldn't help but feel like her life was going nowhere. She needed another new beginning.

Hopefully... hopefully moving in with her cousin and his family would give her just that.

She probably needed to start packing her things up. She'd be moving in about a week's time, a few weeks before she were to start high school. And her cousin wanted to introduce her to his friend before school started, that way they would be well acquainted when school started.

Getting lost in her thoughts more and more, Katana couldn't help but remember telling her brothers and mother about what had been happening. And boy, when the twins heard about it, it took everything Katana had to talk them down from coming to Miyagi and hurting the guy that dared to hurt their sister.

With both words and actions, Katana had been in a toxic relationship, and both Semi and Tendō had told her multiple times to leave said relationship, but she just kept finding ways to stay. Near the end of summer, it had gotten so bad that Tendō and Semi had to get involved. They hated seeing Katana getting hurt, so they had gotten involved.

It was better than if the twins were to get involved. Osamu and Atsumu, both being extremely overprotective of their younger sister, would have made the situation worse.

Semi and Tendō had dealt with it using mostly words, whereas if Osamu and Atsumu had gotten involved, they would've used more fists than words. That was one of the biggest differences between the twins and Semi and Tendō.

Having been completely lost in her thoughts, Katana didn't notice Tendō and Semi walking into the room. As soon as Tendō walked into the room, he found Katana lying on her bed, smiling evilly at the thought that popped into his mind.

With a running start, Tendō jumped onto the bed yelling "CANNON BALL," which startled Katana and caused her to jolt awake.

"TENDŌ, YOU JERK," Katana yelled, punching the middle blocker in the arm.

Semi just stood in the doorway, holding back a sigh of annoyance at the pair of middle blockers.

"Now now, Kata-chan, just because I woke you up doesn't mean you can call me a jerk," Tendō replied, shaking his head at his raven haired friend.

"That's exactly why I can," Katana replied with an eye roll, shoving the red head off her bed.

"Now no- OW," Tendō exclaimed as soon as his butt hit the ground. "Kata-chan, that was completely uncalled for!"

"No, it wasn't," Semi finally spoke up from his spot in the doorway. "That's exactly what you deserved."

"See, Eita-kun gets it," Katana said, almost smugly, as she smiled down at Tendō, who still hadn't found his way up from his position in the ground.

"Eita-kun, Kata-chan, why do you always gang up on me?" Tendō questioned, feigning sadness as he looked down at the ground.

"Because you're you," Semi replied easily, stepping into the room and taking a seat at the edge of Kata's bed.

"That's not a reason," Tendō replied, finally standing up and also taking a seat at the edge of Katana's bed.

"Yes it is," Katana replied, rolling her eyes at the first year.

"Anyways, what was it that you needed to tell us, Kata-chan?" Semi questioned, ignoring Tendō's complaints and turning towards Katana curiously.

"Oh, right. Well, I already told Tendō, but I'm moving in with my cousin and his family before high school starts, next weekend, actually," Katana replied, glancing sideways to look out the window rather then at Semi and Tendō.

A few minutes passed in complete silence, none of them knowing what to say after Katana's announcement. The mood of the room had changed from playful to somber in a manner of minutes.

"I'll miss you guys," Katana murmured, glancing downwards to look at her hands in her lap.

"We'll miss you, as well, Kata-chan," Semi replied softly, getting up to sit close to Katana and give her a better hug.

"The Three Musketeers will no longer be together if you move though," Tendō muttered under his breath.

"I know, and I feel terrible, but- with everything that's happened lately, I just- I need a new start. Moving to Tokyo will give me that new start," Katana responded, pulling out of Semi's embrace to give Tendō a hug as well. "Don't worry though, I'll definitely come back to visit. You guys can't get rid of me that easily," Katana teased as she pulled out of the hug with Tendō.

"You better come and visit," Semi responded, narrowing his eyes at the ravenette. "You can't leave me with- that, thank you very much." At the word that, Semi had glanced over in distaste at Tendō, though the gesture was teasing.

"Ouch, that hurt, Semi Semi," Tendō gasped, hand over his heart as if he had actually taken offense to the comment Semi had made.

"What's new?" Semi questioned the middle blocker with a roll of his eyes.

"Damn, Eita-kun, you're harsher than usual today, what's up?" Katana questioned, eyebrow raised at the setter.

"Oh, you know, just my best friend leaving, moving to Tokyo, I need to take my anger at the situation out on someone," Semi responded nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

"And that person just has to be me, Semi Semi? Ouch, that hurts," Tendō responded, hand over his chest as if he had taken offense.

"You want me to take my anger out on Katana when you're so much easier to pick on?" Semi responded, glaring at Tendō. "And stop with that goddamn nickname."

"Words hurt, Semi Semi," Tendō replied, using the nickname Semi so hated.

"Will this ever end?" Semi mumbled, looked towards the ceiling in annoyance.

Katana could only laugh at the pair, amused by their bickering. It was nothing new, she was so used to it already, but it might be the fact that she's moving that made her laugh more than she has in the past. The pair had stopped their bickering as soon as Katana started laughing, smiling at the sight of their young friend laughing. It had been a while since they'd heard her laugh, so it was music to their ears the moment she started laughing.

Both Semi and Tendō shared a look before tackling the girl, attacking her with hugs as she continued laughing.

"We're going to miss you, Kata-chan," Semi spoke for the both of them, still holding Katana down in a hug, Tendō doing the same as well.

🖇) 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬. (akaashi k.) [DISCONTINUED.]Where stories live. Discover now