23| The Adventures of Irene and Clark

Start from the beginning

"No, he's going to meet us at Cadmus. He accidentally slept in." Irene replied dismissively, she had already expected Jimmy to be late. He always was. "Come on, let's go."

The abandoned Cadmus building was at the other side of the city only a block away from The Slums. It was actually the perfect place to do anything illegal considering that people didn't care about what happened in lower income neighborhoods like The Slums.

That was why Cadmus had gotten away with their work on radiation in the area. No one cared if minorities or those living paycheck to paycheck got exposed to harmful chemicals. Not only were the complaints of residents of The Slums ignored, but so was the word of Lois Lane when she wrote an exposé about it four years ago.

Now as Irene stood in an alley in front of a now abandoned Cadmus building she couldn't help but feel glad that the place was in its current state, though if her theory was correct maybe the building wasn't entirely abandoned.

"How exactly are we going to get inside?" Clark questioned as he studied the lock, pushing his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose.

Irene raised an eyebrow in disbelief at his question. Her reaction earned a chuckle from Clark who stepped forward crushing the lock in his fist. The steel practically turned to dust from his strength.

"Oh so you're funny now?" Irene replied as she moved past Clark pushing the steel door open, mostly wanting to move ahead of him so he wouldn't notice the small smile on her lips.

Turning on her flashlight she quickly took in her surroundings. The place was in fact abandoned; the spiderwebs and dust alone were an indication that no one had visited this place in at least a couple of months.

"So what are we looking for again?"

"I'm not sure, but we'll know it when we see it." Irene replied, unsure where to even begin. The building was three stories and although they came in through the back entrance the lobby was empty. Irene feared that maybe the entire place might be this way and that they might hit a dead end.

"We should start with the basement." Clark stated as he looked down at the floor beneath them. "It's the only place in the building that isn't empty."

"You just saved us a lot of time." Irene commented as they both took the stairs down to the basement. Sure enough there were multiple filing cabinets lined against the wall along with crates which unlike everything else in the building weren't covered with dust. Clearly they had just been placed here not too long ago. "I think we should start by looking for any files that talk about Krypton and..."

Before Irene could finish her thought Clark was already off at an incredible speed looking through all of the file cabinets. Not even a minute had gone by that he was standing in front of her again with a stack of files in his hand.

Clark smiled as he handed her the stack of files that she would have to look over as soon as she got home. "Like you said, saving us a lot of time. But it looks like you were right, they are repurposing the remains of the attack to manufacture weapons."

"Anything in here about where they might be manufacturing them?"

"No." Clark replied looking as disappointed as how she felt. Now that they confirmed that she was right they had to find whoever was manufacturing Kryptonian technology and turning it into weapons.

"Well I guess that means we still have a lot of work to do then."

Without another word they began looking through the crates, which unfortunately all contained lab equipment. Ready to simply call the day quits Irene opened one last crate, only unlike the others this one was filled with packaging material, a single iron box sitting in the center.

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