"Here you go," he said, sitting by your feet.

Before you could check out the food he brought you, Spencer reached towards the tray and claimed the package of jello.

"Hey!" You complained as he tore off the top. "I was gonna eat that!"

"Too bad." He shrugged, sucking some of the jello into his mouth.

You rolled your eyes as he slurped the jello, making an obnoxious smacking sound. Reaching for the tray, you grabbed the small plate of fruit and popped a grape into your mouth.

"So, how long am I stuck here for?" You asked Morgan.

"I'll double-check with Hotch, but I'm pretty sure we can bust you out by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" You groaned. "I hate sleeping in hospitals."

"Don't worry," Morgan said, smiling. "We'll keep you company."

"Team sleepover?" You asked, grinning back.

"Team sleepover." He agreed.

The day was full of commotion. You were constantly being poked and prodded by different doctors, checking to make sure everything was working right. Luckily for you, your team never left your side, using their FBI credentials to persuade the nurses to extend the visiting hours into the night, making it quite awkward when your hospital gown almost fell open in front of your boss. That's when JJ thought it would be a good idea to go to your hotel room and bring you your things, so you could put on your pajamas and avoid accidentally nudity. Hotch made you call Garcia and let her know you were okay, but you could barely speak over her bubbling. Later into the night, the nurses wheeled in some cots, and Morgan, Prentiss, JJ, and Spencer chose to take part in the promised sleepover. Hotch and Rossi prepared to go back to the hotel.

"Rossi?" You called as he stepped out of the room.

"What's up kid?"

"You know, there's only one thing that would make me feel better."

He stared at you warily. "And what's that?"

"Dinner party at the mansion when we get back? Please?" You widened your eyes at him, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"I feel bad saying no to someone in a hospital bed," he said smiling.

"Then don't say no. Say yes!"

"We'll see." He said, escaping the room.

You turned and winked at Prentiss. "Let's hope that worked."

She laughed and grabbed the remote from the table. "It's not fair, you've only been here for two months and you're already his favorite."

You shrugged. "What can I say, I'm popular."

Spencer rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and in the hospital," he grumbled.

Morgan laughed. "Someone's jealous."

You joined in, laughing as Preniss flipped the channels, looking for something to watch.

"Ooh! Law and Order!" JJ said, pointing at the screen "Come on, it's kinda funny."

"Funny?" You asked.

"Well, not haha funny, more like, it's interesting to watch it knowing everything we know."

Prentiss smiled at JJ. "Law and Order it is."

As the episode started, the nurses brought in your food, smacking away Spencer's and Morgan's hands as they reached for your food.

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