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  Queasy stomach, am I doing something wrong? Heart skipping beats, am I dying? 

Is this what love is? Am I leading him on? Oh God, please help me.

 How do I know if he loves me? Calls me cute, says I speak "cute". Is this what love is? I'm on his mind all the time, I don't think often about him. 

Spinning all the time, I can't stop my mind. So weak. What is wrong with me? He wants more from me, I'm scared. 

What does he feel for me? This can't be love, it can't.

 Do I expect more? Or is this not love? Head spinning, making me dizzy. Not enough air, am I dying? What do I expect from him? Nothing. Am I the problem? Head hurts. Stomach hurts. I don't know what to do, why am I like this?

 Is he the problem? Never the first one to text, always me. He wants more, it scares me.

 Is it me, or is there no connection? What am I doing? What does he want? Complimenting my appearance, nothing else. I don't like this. He says we're perfect for each other, that opposites attract. He's an extrovert. I'm an introvert. Says that he'll be the one that talks, I'll always listen to him. I don't want that. What do I want? Not him.

 He wants me. He misses me every day. Thinks about me. I don't feel the same.

 It's time to say good-bye. 

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