chapter ten: veil of lies

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"Sorry to have worried you", Ally sighed, placing a hand to her temples simply out of stress. "I was just having the weirdest... nightmares." No, certainly not nightmares. Memories from many lives. Ally surprised Nicole by suddenly tossing her covers aside, though briefly pausing to give her friend a tight embrace. "I have to go, but I'll see you to decorate later!" Maybe.

Ally's feet thumped against the floor as she ran through the halls, though she quickly paused as she nearly ran into a boy who just so happened to tower over her. Not to mention, he looked like solid muscle mass, and she didn't think it would be fun to slam into him. Kelly Oscar Penns. She didn't know him very well, except the fact that he was a vampire and one of their newest additions having only been turned last year. She couldn't tell if his eyes were green or blue or somewhere in between, but she knew they were enchanting. A muscle in his strong jaw ticked as he barked into the phone, and man could that square cut glass. Whose cheeks were that high and defined, hello? "I don't give a shit, Pax. You promised you would stay far away from my school, so stay away from it", the dark haired boy hissed, thick and neatly arched brows furrowed in frustration as he hung up. "Sorry, Ally", he said weakly, running a hand through his already messy raven locks.

"It's fine", the pale girl said softly, pouty lips turning down into a frown. "Are you okay? That sounded pretty... intense." Kelly was normally a sweet and curious guy, often times reminding people of a golden retriever puppy exploring the world for the first time. Ally remembered him, because giving his tour was enjoyable. He was so excited and asked so many questions, telling her he was made to be there. His eagerness was welcoming.

Kelly, for as smart as he was, panicked at that. What did you even say back to that? 'Yeah, I'm just the youngest son of Dr. Amelia Cohen and Dr. Luke Penns and that was my idiot older brother. Oh, those names sound familiar? Yeah, they probably tried to kill you last week because even though they send a steady amount of donations here, they work for The Order.' Yeah, that would go over so well. His parents were wealthy and he never wanted for anything. They gave him the best education money could buy, and Kelly excelled. There wasn't a classic he hadn't read or a subject he couldn't ace. That being said, they damn sure didn't teach him how to lie. He didn't know why his brother was suddenly hunting near his school, and he wouldn't have cared if this wasn't the only place that was safe for him. Mostly though, he couldn't believe that he hadn't seen his brother in a year and he'd wasted one of their weekend phone calls on a petty argument.

None of Kelly's family, his parents nor his brother, had been to see him ever since he got turned. He'd been there for a year. He couldn't help feeling like it because they were ashamed and disgusted by him, but maybe it was more along the lines of planting a seed in some plan he wasn't lucky enough to be a part of.

He was just the pawn.

So, Kelly did what he always did as the sweetheart of the family: damage control. Full lips turned up slightly at the corners as he nodded down at her, small nose scrunching slightly at the action. "Yeah, everything is fine. Me and my brother just aren't seeing eye to eye." When did they ever!

Ally nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you'll be getting along better by family day", she frowned, giving his shoulder a squeeze. Kelly didn't have it in him to tell her that his family likely wouldn't even come.

"I'm sure we will. Thanks, Al. I'll see you at breakfast?"

"Yeah, totally!"

The pair separated, and Kelly remained unaware of how important Ally would become in his life, even if it wasn't him directly she'd be stuck with.

Ally rarely entered Peter's office, not unless it was absolutely necessary. But today was important, so excuse her if she just barged in.

The shaggy haired man was leaning over his desk, hard at work. Dark stubble now lined his well defined jaw, which was set in irritation. His bright blue eyes were squinted at whatever he was working on, bushy brows furrowed. Still, thin lips immediately curved into a smile as he realized it was her entering his office. He could hear her heartbeat anywhere in a crowd, had the rhythm memorized like it was his favorite song. "Ally! I'm glad you're here, I wanted—"

own the night | applyfic book 1 ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon