Bongs:“ big head ”

Me:“ shut up fool ” we laugh

Sbusiso:“ ok tell us what did you find out about them ”

Me:“ they own two coal mines in Mpumalanga and a mine in the North West ”

Bongs:“ really ” he says excited

Sbusiso:“ it looks like we finally getting what we’ve always wanted ”

Me:“ they mine Uranium, Limestone, Gold and Copper but they mostly deal with Uranium and Gold ”

Bongs:“ fuck yes! ”

Sbusiso:“ who runs it? ”

Me:“ the brothers and their uncle ”

Bongs:“ you have to set a meeting with them ”

Me:“ after the kids are born. I don’t want any surprises popping up now and ruining my luh's life. You guys should deal with it ”

Bongs:“ man we’re still building an entire empire from scratch, we need all of us to come together with the parents and talk about how we are going to approach those guys. ”

Me:“ I’m paying you guys a lot of money so you better deliver ”

Bongs:“ and we pay other people too so don’t worry brother we’ve got you covered ”

Sbusiso:“ do you think scelo is going to be fine ”

Me:“ yeah I think so, you heard his aunt saying he has seen this before ”

Bongs:“ yeah she said that, she’s a fine aunty too ”

Me:“ man you’re disgusting, she’s older than you ”

Bonga:“ but not in bed ”

Sbusiso:“ oh he’s so going to kill you when he hears you said that about his girl ” we laugh

Me:“ then we need to deal with Paul and Mike ”

Bonga:“ oh brother didn’t I tell you?, they are coming here. I told them that we are throwing you a small goodbye party since your getting married soon. ”

Sbusiso:“ I can’t believe those fools did that. We need those idiots too who told that fucker about what you did to his brother ”

Me:“ whoever told him what I did knows now that he is dead and they are scared. ”

Sbusiso:“ we will see them during the wedding and we will find out who became a bitch and snitched ” the women get in the kitchen and Preston hugs me from the side and it startles me cause I was not expecting it.

Me:“ and then? ”

Him:“ thank you, thank you, thank you big brother I love my bedroom!, you guys are the best of the best ” I hug him back

Me:“ you’re welcome pres ”

Aunty:“ we are happy for you pres ”

Bonga:“ and jealous too ” pres sticks his tongue out at bonga.

Aunty:“ you are all always welcome here in my house but please, no crazy women ” we laugh

Preston:“ let me cook you guys dinner to say thank you. ”

Aunty:“uhm guys I have something to say ”

Me:“ we don’t have to here for that right? ”

Aunty:“ you do mbuso ”

Luh:“ is something wrong? ”

Aunty:“ no, well I don’t know how you are going to take it ”