Recognition is enough

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There are two weeks left until I'm officially due, but at the doctor yesterday she told me that it could really be any time and my due date is possibly off. I haven't had any signs of labor though, so she said it's okay for me to go to the Golden Globes tonight like planned.

I stand in front of the body length mirror noting my bed head, face in desperate need of makeup and swollen belly that I'm really hoping still fits in the dress I picked out a few weeks ago. Honestly, right now I feel huge, like a cow, but I know it's all worth it, and Brad keeps reminding me of that. We leave around 5, but Chris and Angela are going to be here soon to start working on hair and makeup. I'm nominated for Friends, but I have my doubts about winning. Not that it matters, the nomination itself means alot.

"You okay, you seem different?" Angela asks as she works on my makeup.

I wait a minute to answer so I don't mess her up and watch carefully as she works on my eyes "Yeah, I'm just kinda nervous. I'm excited about tonight, but after that we have 2 weeks until we're going to be parents and I just don't know if we're ready."

She puts down the brushes and sits next to me on the bench so we can talk easier "Well, you're about 9 months late on the whole not knowing if you're ready thing, but I think you're wrong about that. You and Brad have wanted a baby for so long, and now after being together 8 years you're finally getting it."

I take a minute to think about what she said and realize that she's right. We've wanted this forever, and I know Brad's going to be such a great dad, I just hope I'm a good mom too. She gets back to doing my makeup and finishes my eyes. They look amazing once she's done and I watch as she works on the rest of my face and then does my lips. She always does such an amazing job making it look so simple, yet so beautiful. After she's done, Chris comes in ready to do my hair. He separates it and works on straightening the bottom layer then does the same to the top. I tell him I just want something simple to go along with my dress and he shows me a few different styles. Brad comes to help us decide and we all agree on a ponytail with a little bump at my bangs. Chris finishes it with a little hairspray and then works on Brad's hair whilst I put my jewelry on.

My dress is hanging in the back of our closet so I walk all the way back to it and get ready to put it on, then hear Brad walk in to get ready himself.

"Do you want me to wait?"

"No, actually, can you help me?" I hold the strings of the dress in my hands "I can't get this right."

He takes them from my hands and walks behind me to attach them to the little clips on the back of my dress, then looks at my reflection in the mirror in front of us "You're so beautiful."

I look at him like he's crazy "You're lying. I look like shit right now. The makeup and hair are the only parts that look nice, the dress hardly even fits."

He pulls me closer to him wrapping his arms around me and letting me rest my head on his shoulder knowing this is what I need. I stay like that for a little crying until I feel his kiss my forehead and pull away a little so he can see me. "You're being too hard on yourself right now. The hair and makeup are far from the nicest things." He puts his hand on my belly to emphasize it "This is one of the best, along with your beautiful eyes and smile. Yes, the dress might be a little tight, but isn't it worth it? Nobody's going to care, and it's just something that comes along with the pregnancy. Just think, in two weeks you'll be holding her and none of this will matter to you anymore."

Pulling myself together I take what he says to heart and know that all of it's true. I put my hand on my belly next to his causing her to go crazy kicking both of us, and I realize that I am overreacting, and she is well more than worth this.

We get into the car that's waiting for us and make our way to the carpet. The traffic is horrible and we get stuck in it for a little, but still get to the carpet in time. Brad walks out first to help fight off the paparazzi and I follow. There are hundreds of photographers yelling our names trying to get pictures of us so we stand where we are posing for a few. We start whispering things to each other, and Briella must be able to know that it's crazy because she begins to kick a lot again. I tell Brad and he moves his hand to feel it then smiles at me "She must be excited." We make our way over to some of the interviewers where it's a little calmer.

"How does it feel to be nominated for something you've worked on so long?"

"It's great just to have the recognition. I feel like I've gotten a lot better over the last few years and I hope I can keep improving."

"Do you guys have any plans for later tonight? Any parties?" She asks both Brad and I.

He looks at me before answering "Right now we're probably just gonna go home, but maybe we'll change our minds and go to one, but we probably won't be out late."

"You look beautiful, how are you feeling? Excited? You don't have much longer, right?"

"Tired and huge, but overall I'm pretty good. Very excited, we have 2 more weeks at the most. I'm just hoping it isn't too soon."

"Hopefully the possible partying tonight isn't cut short." She jokes

"That makes two of us." Brad laughs "Guess we'll have to wait and see."

My back is starting to hurt between the heels and walking, so instead of doing more interviews we go right in to sit down. We get to our table and see that everyone else is already there. Brad sits next to Angelina Jolie and I sit next to them and we all talk about the movie they've signed on to film in a few months.

"Congratulations on your nomination, Jennifer. It's nice to finally meet you." Angelina reaches across Brad to me "I've heard a lot about you."

"Thanks, it's nice to meet you too." I smile across at her "I hope it's good things you've been hearing."

"Of course, he's always happy to talk to you."

Brad takes his hand with mine and puts it on his thigh "I don't really have anything bad to say about you."

"Awe, you two are so cute." Angelina says as the awards start and everything goes silent. The hosts come on stage and start the show. We all sit and laugh at their jokes and watch as they start to go through the categories. Mine gets called and I end up losing, but it doesn't make me that upset. I have Brad's support and that's all I need.

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