Chapter 2: Progression

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A/N: If you didn't recognize yet, I use a lot of abbreviations like IRL or SAO etc. That's what I wanted to say. Here's chapter 2. Enjoy!

[Lucy's POV]

What started as a beautiful day, ended in a nightmare. I'm trapped in a video game, with no escape.
I don't worry that much about it though, escaping reality for a while isn't really bad. In this world, I don't have my parents moaning at me all the time. But I wonder how they will react when I get back, if I ever get back.

Though, my life in the real world was never that bad. I casually attended school, studied, hung out with friends, etc. The only thing special about me was a supernatural ability to predict the future.

I never really liked that ability, it's like spoiling your own life. But, on the other side, you can help people with it. There are only a few people who know about my ability. My dad, my mom, and a few classmates. I wonder if my ability works in this world too. Well, no time to waste, I better find an inn to sleep.

[Rogue's POV]

Sting and I walked to the next town. We encountered some hostile creatures on our way, but they weren't that big of a deal.

We reached the next city after walking an hour. Normally, my legs would hurt, but not in this world. Since I created my avatar with speed based stats, I need to use my legs a lot, so my legs won't hurt from being exhausted here.

We went to the first inn we saw.

I walked up to the lady behind the desk. She was an NPC, meaning she's just data and not an actual player.

"Welcome to our inn, what can I do for you?" The lady asked.

"I'd like 2 rooms please. One for me, Rogue. And one for my friend there, Sting." I said.

An item appeared in my inventory a few seconds later.

'Key to room 483'

That should be the key to my room.

Sting got an item too. He got the 'Key to room 482'.

"Please enjoy your stay.' The lady said.

Talking to an NPC is weird. Knowing you talking to a piece of data, looking like a human.

Sting and I went both to our room and I fell asleep pretty soon after that.

[Sting's POV]

Here I am, trapped in a virtual world.

Well, I at least have a friend with me.
Imagine how lonely someone would be if they were all alone. Or even worse, if someone is still young. The chance of a twelve year old who just got a Nerve Gear and SAO for his or her birthday is pretty high.

Well, there are probably older and more reliable people trapped too, so I think they'll help them out, as long as they aren't pedophiles that is.Though I doubt if sexual stuff is possible in this world.

Personally I wouldn't mind helping those children who are scared of dying right now, but I want to explore. All my life, my parents heve been overprotective and I wasn't allowed to go outside town without telling. So I basically lived in my hometown my whole life. I seldomly left it.

And now, I have a whole world open to explore. And I can do that with my best friend. Though I will miss the real world sometimes. I hope my parents and my brother are okay.

Well, time for some sleep.

~The next day~

[Rogue's POV]

As soon as we woke up we left the inn. We went to the open fields outside the town. It seems to be a good place to train.
We trained for 3 hours and continued traveling to another city after.

~In the city~

"C'mon, let's go to the meeting."

"Let's go to the discussion about how we're gonna defeat the first floor's boss."

"Hurry up, or we won't be at the meeting in time!"

Everyone was saying things like that. Sting and I didn't know what was going on. Sting decided to ask someone what's going on.

"Uhm... Excuse me." Sting said

"Yes?" The guy said. He had blue hair and a red tattoo around his right eye. I checked the name above his HP bar. "Jellal" it said.

"Uhm.. We just arrived in this city and we heard lots of things about some meeting. Could you tell us more about it, please?" Sting asked.

"Ok. Follow me." Jellal said.

He isn't really a person who uses a lot of words. Well, we better follow him.
After we walked through the city for 15 minutes, we arrived in some Colosseum alike place.

"This is where the meeting will be. Sit down if you want to attend, please." Jellal said.

We didn't have much better to do, so we decided to sit down.

"I'll welcome you all! My name is Jellal and I'll lead the meeting today."

A/N: It's not much spectacular, but I wanted to post another chaper before the end of the week so y'all have something to read. And besides, I didn't know what to make from this... :/
Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed it and again I hope to be able to write the next chapter ASAP. But, school -_-
Until next time! Bye!

Swords of Heavens and Shadows [Fairy Tail x Sword Art Online fanfic] [RoLu]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu