Chapter 12: Following the script

Start from the beginning

Gulf grinned and unlocked his seatbelt. “Thank you, P’Best. You’re the best!” as he said these words, he grabbed his bag from the backseat and opened the door. “See you this evening,” the door slammed shut and he turned around. Slinging the bag around his shoulder, Gulf smiled and waved towards Mew and his co-star. They waved back, although Mew took a second longer than the female.

The nong practically skipped towards Mew, kissing his cheek in greeting before walking away again to his usual seat.

Even though he couldn’t cancel the shoot, there are other things he could and would do. His feelings weren’t fake, and neither were Mew and Gulfs. They had convinced the whole world of their love in this way. He was going to do the same with Mew.

“-I can remind everyone who the better kisser is.”


The kitchen was filled with the smell of freshly brewed coffee when Mew entered, a look of surprise on his face. Gulf was seated at the table hunched over some papers, absently sipping the heavily creamed and sugared liquid. However much he disliked the smell, it was a great help waking up in the morning. He had been sitting here since the early hours, swiftly slipping out of the bed the two shared again to start his individual study session. Going between the script and his phone, he was giving himself speedy lessons on how to act he found on the internet. Although it might be useless in todays’ script reading, at least it helped him calm his nerves somewhat.

“You’re up early,” Gulf didn’t look up as he heard Mew say this, instead letting out a quiet hum as a reply and turning over the page he was reading. He made a decision yesterday on how he was going to handle Mew, but he still felt hurt at his words.

Footsteps approached Gulf, and he could feel the older man’s presence behind his back. He ignored the feeling in his stomach when he took note of the heat radiating of Mew when he touched his shoulder. Deciding to escape the small touch, Gulf started to stretch a little, finally looking up from the script. Mew’s hand fell of his shoulder.

“I’ve been studying,” Gulf said as he cracked his shoulder loose, “there’s coffee in the pot, if you want.” He couldn’t see Mew’s expression, but he felt the man walk away towards the cabinet. Not long after he could hear the liquid being poured, Mew muttering a “Thank you” Gulf barely heard. He decided this was his queue.

He stood up from his chair, gathering up the script and putting it away in his bag he prepared earlier. “Since you’re awake now, I’m gonna get dressed,” he started walking out of the kitchen, then pretended like he was reminded of something. “P’Best called me earlier, today’s reading session is going to be an hour earlier. He’ll pick us up at 9,” Gulf tone was dismissive, like he didn’t really care much. He could hear Mew take in a loud breath, “Why didn’t you wake me earlier then?” he asked the younger, slight panic apparent in his voice. Gulf shrugged, then looked at the clock. 8:30.

Time to get ready for work.

Maybe Gulf was being a little petty, but could you hold it against him? After dismissing his feelings like that, and clearly showing no remorse of his actions, Gulf wanted to take revenge on Mew. However, that was quite hard with the whole husband act they had. On top of that, the now fully aware of his feelings Gulf really couldn’t handle another fight right now. So instead he decided that he would do exactly as Mew wanted. They would be the perfect husbands in public and on set, but Gulf didn’t need to be nice to him at home. It was a backhanded way of getting back at Mew, a little childish even, but after seeing his husband reactions to his cold demeanor, Gulf felt somewhat justified.

If you want to make up, P’Mew, you better work for it. I’ll make you yearn for the time I was nice and sweet to you.

Leaving the car after a quiet drive towards today’s location, Gulf started to feel a little smug. Mew had been giving him glances throughout the ride, worry and confusion on his face. In response, the younger wasn’t paying him any attention, instead still focusing on today’s script. He had silently mouthed the words as he read them, trying to figure out which emotions and thoughts plagued Dee as he said these lines. His plan seemed to be working. Time for the second part.

I.L.Y. - A MewGulf AUWhere stories live. Discover now