Chapter 8: Not Mew's

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The next morning, Gulf felt more awake and relaxed than any of the days before. Maybe it was due to the fact that he finally could sleep as much as he wanted, or maybe it was thanks to the company he had in bed. Mew was lying next to him on the large bed, arms still around the younger, like they'd been cuddling in their sleep. Gulf found himself not minding the warm body curled around him, instead closing his eyes again and deciding a couple more minutes couldn't hurt.

Until the others body started moving from its own, arms slowly retreating leaving Gulf bare and cold. He groaned a little, disappointed sounds leaving him before he could control it.

"Shhh," the older man's voice shushed him. "I'll go prepare breakfast. Go ahead and sleep a little more, nong." There was something so soothing and domestic that Gulf couldn't help but listen. He turned around, closing in on the warmth where Mew just had laid. A pleased sigh escaped his lips. Just a little longer.

Finally waking up a bit later, Gulf was met with the smell of rice with omelet. His stomach growled audibly, making the younger almost jump out of his bed to follow the nice scent. Mew stood in front of the stove, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a black top. He was busy checking the eggs, so he didn't notice Gulf entering the kitchen.

He looked up when Gulf moved the chair to sit down. The loud sound having alerted him of Gulf's presence. "Good morning," the nong greeted his so-called husband, sitting down to patiently wait for his meal. Mew greeted him back but continued focusing on the matter at hand.

Gulf could hear the man sing to himself a little, a sound that was pleasant to his ears. He could vaguely remember that the other had debuted a song once in his universe. He wondered how that worked out for him, since Gulf had never heard much about it. Then again, he wasn't interested in the world of showbiz at the time, having more important matters to deal with like graduating college.

The food was put on a plate and gently placed in front of him. Mew himself grabbed a plate as well, sitting down opposite of the younger. Gulf said a quick thanks for the food and dug in.

He could see Mew smile as he stuffed himself. The breakfast was simple, but it was delicious for Gulf. Then Mew started to eat as well, as if he had been waiting for Gulf's reaction first.

"I'm sorry for yesterday, Gulf," he apologized after a couple of bites. "I promised we would talk."

Gulf nodded, he had been disappointed with the older, but he knew he was just busy. Or he had assumed that at the time, until Mew came home smelling like alcohol. "It's fine. You were home late. Did you go drinking?" Gulf asked casually to make conversation.

Mew nodded. "Some of the crew wanted to go drinking and it became late," he said.

This came as a little weird to Gulf. The team had just gone out eating the other day, was this how people in the showbiz always act? Sounds a bit irresponsible if you ask him.

Or maybe he's lying?

It shouldn't matter to Gulf anyway. He wasn't his actual husband, so they had no responsibilities to each other. Only to the fans and – Gulf suddenly got reminded – to the original Gulf.

"So, about that talk that we were gonna have," Mew seemed to guess what was on his mind. He could see a grimace on Mew's face, as if he wasn't having a fun time talking about this. Gulf decided to ignore it, they had to talk about it sooner or later.

"Do you finally believe I am not your Gulf?" he asked the older, simply stating the question.

A sigh escaped Mew, but eventually he nodded. "I hoped it was a lie at first, that you were just joking around in an attempt to clear stuff up between me and Tua-aeng, but I realized..." he stopped talking for a second, "I saw that you were not my Gulf."

I.L.Y. - A MewGulf AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin