Help From The Past

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A little more than 20 and a half years before Sonic Forces, Nearly 20 years before the "Incident" at Aqua Road

Infinite- Age 8

After our not-so-smooth meeting with Clawzie and Reznor, the two wolves took me and the Squad to their hideout. The hideout was a bit too close to society for our comfort, especially Amara's, but we followed without complaint.

As we walked with them, I noticed Amara seemed to be straying from us. "Hey, Amara!" She turned her head, I thought for a second that I saw a strike of fear in her eyes. "We're over here, come join us." In nearly an instant, I felt her grip my paw and press herself close to me, forcing me to stop. "Hey, you okay, Amara? You're acting kinda jumpy."

"Pure-thugs like us aren't supposed to be here, Infi-Boss, especially Defieds like me... It feels too much like when I escaped the Slums..." Quiet whimpers slipped out of her, I turned to look at Clawzie. I wondered if she would turn around to see Amara like this. I held Amara's body close to mine, hearing her whimpers as we continued to walk. "It's okay, Mara, I'm gonna beat up all the bad guys before they can take you."

She nodded and adjusted herself to make it less like I was dragging her and more like she was walking with me. "Okay, Infinite... I believe you." With me right next to her, Amara seemed to calm down and was able to walk without gripping onto my fur or straying from the Squad.

We eventually arrived at Clawzie and Reznor's hideout, deep within a hidden criminal sanctuary called the Underground. The lighting, which was dim because of both burned out and damaged lights, provided an effect that possibly was even more intimidating than the wolves or even our location.

Amara gripped my paw again and began to press against me again. Her eyes darted around, telling me that she was severely panicking; her whimpers loud in my ear.

"Hey..." I whispered in her ear. "you're gonna be okay... I've got you." I wanted to hold onto her and not let go until she asked. I could tell she needed to have a safe place, but right then it was as dangerous to protect her than to leave her as she was.

"I wanna go home..." She squeaked. "I'm scared..."

"I know, but we gotta get some good training if we wanna grow up to be awesome mercenaries."

She seemed to squirm, brushing her paw across the side of her ponytail. "Are... you sure?"

I stuttered, her fear influencing me to feel the same way. "Y-Yeah, think about the grown-ups. They didn't just show up one day and were awesome criminals..." Although it sure seems that way...

She nodded but then looked down for a second before looking back at Infinite. "Infi-Boss? If the wolves suddenly turn around and try to kill us, will you make sure I run away with you?"


"Okay, we're here." Reznor growled, glancing at the young jackal group.

Clawzie took an apparent interest in me and Amara, who was bundled close to me.

"Alright, you two! Split!" Clawzie stomped in our direction, the other little jackals gasped, Amara seemed to be stuck between gasping and sobbing. She gripped Amara's lower arm forcefully, tearing her away from me while she screamed and cried out.

"Infinite! Help me!"

Like instinct, I bounded forward. Without a thought, I bit Clawzie's arm, freeing Amara.

Clawzie cried out in pain, Reznor did nothing to help her.

Amara jumped into my arms. "Oh, thank you, thank you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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